Chapter 15

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Hey all my lovely amazing readers! I just want to say i appreciate all of you and you are all amazing kind beautiful humans. ❤️ Also SMUT warning in this chapter.

The next morning i woke up in a panic not knowing where i was, i soon breathed in that familiar scent, and feel two arms wrapped tightly around my waist looking around i recognize the posters on the wall... Louis. I sink in into Louis chest and let myself takes in all the senses. "Good morning love" Louis says kissing the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "Good morning Lou" i try to sit up but Louis pulls me back into him. "No don't leave me stay and cuddle me all day you are warm" "Lou i have to pee" i giggle Louis whines in protest. "How about this Lou i go pee and make us breakfast and we stay in bed and watch movies all day" I suggest. "I love that plan Haz i need to shower first before we stay in bed all day i am all sweaty." "I could use a shower as well" "Want to shower together?" Louis winks. "W-what?" I blush not really sure if Louis is being serious or not. Louis steps closer to me and whispers in my ear. "Shower with me" "O-okay, yeah i would like that" I stutter looking at the floor. "Come on baby lets get you all clean" I giggle and run to the bathroom with Louis chasing me, i am happy that Louis has his own bathroom in his room and there is no risk of his sisters walking in.

Once we enter the bathroom Louis tries to kiss me, i put my hand over my mouth to stop him causing him to pout. "Lou we need to brush our teeth first we have morning breath" i giggle. "You are something else Curly fine lets go brush our teeth." We walk to the sink each taking our toothbrushes. "But you said you like me Lou and you can't take it back" i smile before putting my tooth brush in my mouth. Louis smiles around his tooth brush before taking it out. "Yeah baby i like you"

After we finish brushing our teeth we stare at each other for what feels like an eternity my heart rate is steadily increasing by the second. "Haz baby breathe, we don't have to do this if you are uncomfortable love, it's just a simple shower nothing more i promise just you and me" Louis says taking my hand in his. "Okay um yeah" I slowly take off my shirt, Louis doing the same following my speed, our sweats follow in suit, and finally our underwear. I stand there staring at my feet Louis steps closer to me and lifts up my chin to look at his face. "Beautiful baby, you are so fucking beautiful". Louis leans in slowly brushes his lips against mine. "Lou" i whimper. "My love you are the most beautiful person i know don't be ashamed." Louis whispers against my lips. Louis steps back and turns to turn on the water giving me a great view of his perfectly shaped ass. "Getting in Curly or are you going to spend the rest of the night staring at my ass." Louis chuckles. "Can't i do both" i giggle and follow behind him into the shower.

Louis steps into the stream first pulling me in under the stream with him as i step into the shower. The warm water flows peacefully down our bodies, over every curve and bump in our skin. I ghost my lips over Louis gently pressing our lips together the kiss is short and tender. Louis then reaches behind him grabbing the body wash and delicately starts to wash my body the smell of strawberry wafting through the air. Once Louis is done washing my body, i take my turn pouring his body wash in my hand this time the familiar smell of vanilla wafts through the air, i find my self getting lost in the curves of Louis body my fingers gently tracing the length of his spine. Once our bodies are both clean we take turns washing each others hair before stepping out of the shower to dry off.

I walk to Louis closet once i am dried off i walk to Louis closet searching for a hoodie to wear, i end up deciding on his light blue hoodie and put on a pair of loose shorts. I turn to see Louis standing there in his joggers pulling his tank over his body and damn does he look good. I take Louis hand once he is dressed and we make our way downstairs to the kitchen, we see a note on the counter from his mum saying that she and the girls are heading to the mall and then for dinner they will not be home until later this evening. Louis hops up on the counter while i head to the fridge pulling out the ingredients for breakfast, well i guess since it is almost 1:00pm i guess lunch. I put a few strips of bacon for both Louis and I on a pan, while that is cooking i crack a few eggs into a bowl whisking them until they are nice and fluffy before pouring them into another pan to cook, scramble them setting it on simmer to keep warm while the bacon finishes cooking.

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