Chapter 18

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I wake up the next morning in bed cuddled up next to Louis with Louis running his fingers through my hair whispering in my ear. "Hey baby time to wake up" "mmm Lou 'm comfy, can we cancel on the boys" i whine. "Haz, we need to go or we won't be ready for the party" Louis laughs. "Fine... if we must go" i pout. "But can we get coffee on the way LouLou please". Louis smiles fondly. "Of course Baby. Come on lets go shower and get going".

Louis helps me out of bed and guides me to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet leaning my head against the wall and closing my eyes again. I hear Louis turn on the water before he walks over to me and picks me up. "Lou what are you doing?" i squeal. "Babe you need to shower but you are a sleepy boy today so i am just helping you." Louis smirks. "Will you wash my hair?" "It would be my pleasure princess" Louis teased. As Louis started running his fingers through my hair and massaging in my hair. I melt into the touch closing my eyes. "Baby don't fall asleep on me" Louis whispers in my ear. "It feels nice Lou" "I know sweetheart but you we have to get going, i promise tonight we can cuddle and i will give you a nice massage" "Okay LouLou".

We got out of the shower and walked into Louis room. "Lou can i wear one of your sweaters?" "Haz how many times do i have to tell you, you don't need to ask." "Sorry Sorry" i giggle and walk to his bag and pull out his baggiest sweater he has packed and put it on taking in his scent. My favourite scent in the world. "Ready to go Lou" i ask. "Yep lets go, I'll drive!" Louis jumps off his bed taking my hand and leading us to out of his room, down the stairs, out the front door and to Louis car. Once we reach the car Louis opens my door for me. "Oh why thank you kind sir" i giggle. "Why of course my princess" Louis grins closing the door after i get in. My insides are fluttering at the pet name.

We arrive at Liams a half hour later after stopping at the Cafe down the road for coffee. "Hi Lads! Come on Z is here on FaceTime with Niall." Liam says as he opens the door. "Sweet! Oi ZDog! Nialler!" Louis shouts as he walks into the living room. "Hey Tommo, Hey H!" Zayn chimes. "Hey Lads!" We here the Irish accent cheer through that phone. "Hi guys, um... Z, Li here's your coffee" i shyly hand to the boys. "Okay I have one hour then i have to go should we get planning?" Niall states through the phone. "Yeah we should get planning" i agree.

The next hour is spent with us discussing who we want to invite, what we want the party to look like and dividing tasks between each person. Louis is in charge of alcohol as he is the only one who is 18 out of all of us. Liam is on decorations, Zayn is finding and setting up lights, Niall is on snacks and I am on the playlist. Once we finished planning we hang out at Liams for another hour before heading back to Louis.

"Hey Lou... i need to go home for a bit." I tell him causing Louis to pout. "Oh okay are you coming back tonight?" "Of course LouLou. I just need to back fro the next couple days. Mum and Gemma will come over in the afternoon tomorrow." I reassure him. "Okay baby, love you, i will see you later." Louis says standing up giving me a quick peck. "I love you more Lou" I give him one last peck on the lips before heading out.

I drive home, making a quick stop of the store to pick up Louis's birthday gift before i arrive home. "Hi Mum i am home!" I shout as i walk into the door. "Hi Harry. What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with Louis?" Mum questions. "I just had to pack my stuff and get Lou's gift" i explain. "Do you have everything you need for Louis birthday tomorrow?" Mum asks. "Yep! I hope he enjoys it! I appreciate you and Jay letting me do this for Lou." "Hello baby brother!" Gemma says walking into the living room. "Hi Gem" i smile. "Where is lover boy?" She teases. "He is at home, i am heading back after i pack my stuff" i tell her. "I am surprised her let you go, actually scratch that, i am surprised you left without begging him to come with you" Gemma pokes. "Heeeeey! I can do things without him" i pout. "Sure H, Sure" she laughs.

"Gem stop picking on your brother, Harry go finish getting ready" My mum laughs. "You are spared little bro" Gemma laughs. I laugh heading upstairs to finish packing when i feel my phone vibrate. I pull my out to see a text from Louis.

💞  Boobear  💞

💞Boobear💞: Hey Baby can you bring back milkshakes! Please?

Harry: Of course Boo! What kind?

💞Boobear💞: Strawberry?

Harry: Sounds good baby.

💞Boobear💞: Love you! Come back soon I miss you.

Harry: Lou its been an hour
Harry: But i miss you too
Harry: I love you boo, be there soon!

I put my phone in my pocket and quickly finish packing up everything before heading back downstairs. "Okay bye mum, bye Gem!" I shout. "Bye love i will see you tomorrow" Mum says walking into the front entrance and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Bye baby brother say hi to Lottie for me" Gem says. "Gem find friends your own age, who aren't my boyfriends sister!" I tease. "She's like the baby sister i always wanted, but instead i got stuck with you." Gem teases back making me roll my eyes. "Bye Gem" i say as i walk out the front door. I load up everything into my car and head back to Louis making a stop to pick up milkshakes.

I arrive at Louis house and head inside up to Louis room after saying a quick hello to Lottie. I enter Louis room without knocking and see him sleeping curled up in his bed cuddling his pillow. I set the milkshakes down and climb in next to Louis wrapping my arms around Louis's waist. "Baby i am back" i whisper into Louis car. "Mmm welcome back Love" Louis turns around and kisses me. "mmm you taste like milkshake" Louis says licking my lips. "Oh yes, here is your milkshake" l giggle and get up off the bed to get our milkshakes i had left on the dresser. I walk back handing it to Louis. "Thanks Love, do you want to watch a movie?" He asked. "Sure Lou, you pick this time"

We spent the rest of the night cuddled up watching movies before falling asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.

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