Chapter 27

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3 Months Later

Niall, Lottie, Gemma and Harry were all together at Harry's bachelor party dinner "So how are you feeling about getting married tomorrow?" Niall asked. "Nervous and excited but i can't wait to marry my Lou!" Harry states honestly. "Awe Harry, just think 6 years ago you were secretly in love with him doing a horrible job at hiding kt and now you are marrying him." Lottie teases. "Heeeey i didn't do that bad of a job! Lou didn't know" Harry pouts. "Yeah well as much as i love my brother he was pretty oblivious so that doesn't say much."

"She is right Harry, mum and i use to talk about it all the time how obvious it was to everyone but Louis." Gemma chimes in. "Niall and the other boys didn't know either!" Harry continues to pout. "True Zayn thought Harry liked Lottie." Niall laughs. "So did Louis." Lottie giggles. "Come on we said we would meet them at 8 its almost 8 now." Harry rolls his eyes.

Lottie drives them all to the pub where they planned to meet Louis and everyone at. Once they enter the pub Harry spots Louis from across the room. "Baby!" Louis shouts when he see's Harry and the group enter the pub. "Hi LouLou." Harry smiles and kisses Louis.

"Missed you" "Missed you too Lou." "Do you want to dance?" Louis asked. "I would love too!" Harry grins.

They danced the night away, wraped up in eachothers arms. Both excited and nervous about tomorrow. At the end of the night Louis, Zayn, Liam and Stan went back to their house. While Harry, Gemma, Lottie and Niall went back to Gemma's house.


The next day they have enjoy a beautiful ceremony. *See video to experience the wedding*

Louis Vows

"Harry, Hazza, Hazzie Curly, My baby. I love you, i promise here in front of all these people to love and the cherish you, to cuddle you when ever you ask, to kiss you every morning and every night. But i ultimately promise to be your best friend and partner. I have spent my entire life with you and i can't wait to spend the rest of it growing old with you."

Harry's Vows

"Louis, Lou, Boobear, I have loved you since before i knew what love was, you were and are the first thing on my mind when i wake up and the last thing on my mind when i go to bed. I will love you forever. I promise here today to be by your side, your partner in crime, the person who lifts you up and grows with you. You are my forever Lou. My best friend, boyfriend, finance and now husband. But most importantly. My LouLou."

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