Chapter 24

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The next few months flew by, Louis and I spent a romantic valantines day in a fort playing board games and watching movies. I had my play which Louis ended up surprising me at by showing up to opening night with flowers and chocolate. He even came to three more shows. Louis team ended up comimg first in the finals. I was able attend every single game. Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and i spent every friday night together, we allowed them into Lou and my's Friday night tradition. Louis and i went on many dates. It is now June and the boys graduate in 3 weeks. I have already received my acceptance letter to a uni in Manchester and i was very excited and nervous to start because Louis was still waiting on his response.

Hazzie Baby 💚 💚

Louis: Babe!
Louis: Love!
Louis: Hazza!

Hazzie Baby 💚 💚: Yes Lou?

Louis: My letter came in from uni!

Hazzie Baby 💚 💚: What does it say?!

Louis: I don't know I am too nervous! Please please please
come over here and open it with me. I am scared

Hazzie Baby 💚 💚: Baby you have nothing to worry about you are going
to get in. But yes i am on my way I will be there in 5!

Louis: Thank you babe! I love you!

Hazzie Baby 💚 💚: I love you more!

As soon as i sent the last text, i got my shoes on and headed to my car and started to drive to Louis house. "Lou! I am here" i shout as i enter the house. "I am upstairs in my room Haz" Louis shouts down. I walk up the stairs to his room. "Hi baby, you ready?" I ask.

"I am nervous H. What if i don't get in, not only is it my dream, I don't think i can be away from you for 4 years while you go to Manchester and i go to London." Louis said dejectedly. "It's okay to be nervous Lou, even if we go to school 5000 miles apart, across the country, heck even in two different time ones we would make it. You and I babe are forever remember you made that promise that i wear on my finger everyday. The one you said would be replaced with an engagement ring one day"

Louis takes me hand and stares into my eyes. "No matter what we will be okay?" Louis questions. "No matter what it says, always" I confirm.

"Well here goes nothing..." Louis breathes. He opens the envelope and takes the letter out and starts reading it carefully. "well? What does it say?" I question when i see a frown forming on his face. "I-I I'm so sorry Haz..." "Oh... Lou it's okay i meant what i said, we will figure it out Manchester is only 215 miles from London a 4 hour drive. We can make this work I promise" I try to reassure him and hide the sadness i am feeling right now. I was really wanting this for us, for Louis and I to be together in university sharing the next chapter together.

"I know i know we will be fine... But we should probably start looking for a place together because I don't want to spend 4 years cramped in a form with you telling me i am messy" Louis jokes. "Wait what!" I rip the letter from his hands confused. "You ass! You got in! Why did you say you didn't" I snap. "It's more fun this way! Plus i wanted to see how you would react." Louis laughs "SO what do ya say? I know the boys are all going to be in Manchester as well maybe we should all talk to them about getting a place the five of us"

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