Chapter 26

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3rd Person POV

4 years later

"PAYNO LAD HURRY UP" Louis shouts from the bottom of the stairs. "Tommo man relax, it will be fine. We will get there on time." Liam attempts to calm Louis i am almost ready. "This is the biggest day of my life Z tell him, we need to go." Louis pouts. "Louis man relax, man i don't know how Harry put up with you for so long." Zayn laughs.

Z... that isn't helping" Louis frowns. "Sorry Louis. Come on lets get in the car Liam is ready finally." Zayn redirecting Louis. Louis slaps Liam and Zayn on the back urging them out the front door. They get into the car and Louis drives them to the destination.

"Do you know when the other two are coming?" Louis says as he pulls into the stall. "Niall and Lottie should be here soon. Niall texted that he is 5 minutes out." Zayn explains. "Okay well lets just wait in the car until they get here. So Z now that you are offically an Univiersity graduate what are you going to do?"

"I have an interview with a company that does contract work for companies and helps design their logos and websites." Zayn explains to the two other boys in the car.

"Thats awesome mate! I really hope you get it." Liam slaps Zayn back. "What about you Li? Any interviews?" Zayn inquires. "I have a couple next week so fingers crossed!"

"Oh! There is Nialler pulling in!" Louis shouts and gets out of the car ignoring Zayn and Liam's comments. "Tommo! How are ya doing lad?" Niall asks getting out of his car. "I am doing great Nialler." Louis turns to Lottie. "how are you doing Lots?"

"I am doing good Lou. How are you doing big brother?" "Nervous, but excited. How is my little neice doing?" Louis asks putting his hands on Lotties growing stomach. "Shes a little footie player i can tell 7 months along and she is kicking daily." Lottie laughs.

"Good i will make a footie star outta her yet. She can be like her uncle and be a national champ" Louis teases and Lottie lauhgs "So? Are you ready for this big brother?" "As ready as i will ever be..." Louis breathes. "I love you big brother, you will be fine." Lottie reassures Louis.

"I hope you are right Lots." "You'll be fine lad, we will be across the park for moral support." Niall reassures Louis before him Zayn, Liam, and Lottie walk down to the other side of the park.

Louis pulls out his phone to text Harry to see if Harry was still planning to meet him. Within two minutes response is received saying that Harry was just parking. Louis walks back to the parking Lot to meet Harry

"Hi baby!" Harry says running up to Louis "Hi my love, how was your first day at work?" Louis asks pulling Harry in to a tight hug. "It was great i am really going to love it there. So why am i meeting you here?" Harry laughs.

"I want to take you somewhere, but first can you put this on?" Louis hands Harry a blind fold.

"We haven't used this in forever." Harry giggles putting on the blindfold.

"Alright baby, are going to start walking now." Louis takes Harrys hand and walks Harry to where he wants to take him "Okay baby you can open your eyes now."

When Harry opens his eyes to a dock lookout in front of the lake that is light with fairy lights and candles around the railings and a lite sign saying Marry Me, Louis was down on one knee holding open a velvet box and a gorgeous ring on the inside.

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