Chapter 19

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The next morning I woke up around 9:00 am and decide it was a good time to get up and make Louis some breakfast in bed for his birthday. I padded my way down to the kitchen after carefully slipping out of Louis grip trying not to wake him.

"Good morning Harry, is Louis still sleeping?" Jay asks. "Yes he is, I was hoping I could make him breakfast in bed" I tell her. "That sounds lovely Harry of course you can" "thanks Jay" I smile at her. She leaves the kitchen leaving me to do my thing.

I decide to make crepes and bring up different toppings so Louis could decide what he wants to put on them along with a side of bacon. I made sure to make enough for the entire Tomlinson house and set them on the kitchen table for Jay and the girls. I let Jay and the girls know it was ready and they could come eat. I then piled mine and Louis onto a tray along with some tea and made my way upstairs to Louis room as carefully as I could.

I walk into the room to see Louis is still sound asleep. The clock is now reading 9:57 am. I set the tray down on the bedside table and climbed back into bed next to Louis wrapping my arms around Louis wait before peppering Louis face with kisses. "Time to wake up my beautiful birthday boy" "mmm warm" Louis pulls me in to cuddle closer. "Happy Birthday Baby!" I cheer. "Thank you Hazzie, i love you." "I love you too are you hungry love?" "yes but I don't wanna get up you are so comfy and warm." Louis snuggles in closer to my chest rubbing his nose in the crook of my neck. I laugh and start to get up despite Louis protests and grab the breakfast off the night stand. "How about breakfast in bed?" I ask. "Baby did you make this?" Louis gasps. "Yeah i did" i blush and climb back into bed setting the tray next to Louis. "Happy Birthday Lou, i love you so much" I place a kiss on Louis lips.

"God Harry you are so fucking amazing i love you so much. Thank you." Louis leans in and captures my lips in his. He pulls me on top of him so i am straddling his legs. I melt into is touch moaning into his mouth. We just explore each others mouths for a while, while we whisper sweet nothings to each to her. We then pull apart and i settle into Louis side as we eat our breakfast and cuddle.

"Thank you Harry for making this birthday so special." Louis whispers a while later as we are laying in his bed. "It's not over yet love. It's only i have lots more planned. Speaking of which mum and Gem should be here soon for the next part of your day" I tell him. "Haz what else do you have planned?" He questions. "You will find out soon i promise" i giggle as he pokes my sides. "But i wanna know now..." He whines and gives me the pouty lips. "Soon Lou Soon, now come on we need to get dressed i hear mum and Gem downstairs." I say pulling him up off the bed. "Fiiiine" he groans.

We both get dressed i end up stealing a sweater from Louis along with one of his beanies. Throwing on my black skinny jeans with he rips in the the knees. I turn around and see Louis staring at me on the bed. "What?" "Fuck you are hot" Louis breathes. "Loooouuu" i blush. Louis stands up and walks to me placing his lips on mine. "God so Hot Haz, things i wish i could do to you right now" Louis whispers against my lips. "L-Lou" i whimper. "We have to go downstairs" Louis says pulling away from me. "You are such a tease Lou" i pout. He walks up to me and whispers in my ear. "I will make it up to you later love" Ugh this boy, he will be the death of me. I adjust my pants and take his hands and grumpily drag him out the door.

As soon as our feet hit the main floor Louis is bombarded with hugs, kisses and Happy Birthday's from his family members. We make our way to the kitchen to eat the lunch that Jay had prepared. We all sat around the table, laughing and making small talk just enjoying each others presence. After we finished eating we all made our way into the living room to have tea together.

"Louis do you want to open your presents now?" Lottie blurted. "Sure Lots" Louis agreed. Louis took his time opening each present one by one. His mum got him a new skateboard, which included new trucks and wheels, grip tape, a new skate tool and wax for skate tricks. From his siblings he was given a new football. My mum and Gemma gave him the new video game he had been talking about for months. "Thank you everyone i love all of these gifts." Louis smiles and hugs each individual person before sitting back down beside me. "I will give you my present later okay Boobear?" I whisper to him. "Okay Love" he smiles and leans in to kiss me.

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