Chapter 13

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Louis and i are standing at our lockers before first period on Friday. "Are you ready for tonight" Louis asks., "I am a little nervous, but it will be okay as long as i have you. I smile at him, i meant every word i said to him as well. Even tough my heart was going to fall through my butthole it would all be okay because Louis was by my side. Louis smiles at me. "Okay Hazza i will see you at lunch and we will go pick up your mum then okay?" "Okay see you Lou". We close our lockers and head to class. Class is boring first period went by extremely slow now the only thing that gets me through second period is Niall he keeps cracking jokes. Niall is in the middle of telling me a joke when the bell rings signalling that it is lunch time. "Sorry NiNi i have to get going Lou and I have to go pick up my mum!" I say cutting off his joke. "No worries H! See you tonight!" "Bye Ni". I leave the class room and head towards my locker where i see Louis standing. "Hey Lou ready to go?" I ask opening my locker to put my books away. "Yeah of course, mum said she would meet us at the restaurant." Louis explains.

We finish putting our books away and head out to my car. The ride there is a comfortable silence the both of us just taking in the others company but not feeling the need to talk and let the music be the only words we need. It takes us about thirty minutes to get to the airport as i pull up i see my mum waiting outside the arrivals door suitcase in hand. I pull up next to her getting out to help her with their bags. "Hi Loves" Mum says as she gets into the backseat of the car "Hi mum! I missed you so much" i tell her as i pull away. "I missed you too love. How are you doing Louis? Mum asks "I a doing good, how was you flight?" Louis asks. "It was good. So Jay said we are going for lunch? What's the special occasion?" I look at Louis quickly with panic in my eyes before I answer her. "Ummm, just wanted to have a mum and son day out. I missed you a lot." "Awe my sweet boy i missed you too sweetheart. Oh Louis how is your girlfriend?" "Oh um i am not seeing her anymore. She was never my girlfriend we just went out on a few dates. But yeah no i am not seeing her anymore." I can feel Louis looking at me, i look at him and he turns to look out the window blushing. "Oh i am sorry to hear that Louis, I am sure you will find someone soon" Mum reassures Louis. I couldn't help but giggle quietly. Earning a discreet jab in the side from Louis. The rest of the ride is filled with small talk.

"We are here!" I say as i pull into a parking stall. We head into the restaurant and notice Jay had not arrived yet, the hostess leads us to our table in the back Louis and i slide into the both on the same side leaving mum to sit on the other side making room for Jay when she arrives. After sitting down for two minutes mum announced she had to go to the bathroom leaving Louis and i alone to talk. "Are you ready my love?" Louis asks grabbing my hand under the table. "I'm nervous Boo. How are you doing?" "I am nervous too, but we will be alright baby i promise." I smile at him. "yeah okay lets do this baby" Louis and i release hands when we look up to see Mum walking back to the table and Jay walking into the restaurant.

"Hi loves! Anne welcome back!" Jay says pulling mum into a hug. "Jay how are you? i hope Harry wasn't too much trouble?" "No he was an angel. Poor boy had a rough stomach bug there for a few days but i love having him over." Jay says making me smile. "Oh Harry dear. Why didn't you call me i would have come home" Mum says worriedly. "It's okay mum, Lou took care of me." I reach under the table and take Louis hand in my own. "Thank you Louis, my boy has the best friend in the world!" Mum says causing Louis to blush. "It's no problem he is a needy one when he is sick" Louis laughs squeezing my hand under the table. I pout at Louis. "Loooouu don't be mean to me. I rest my head on Louis shoulder. "Sorry love" Louis laughs. Both Jay and Anne exchange looks and look between Louis and I.
Jay opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by the waitress coming over. "Good afternoon my name is Wendy and i will be your server this afternoon, what can i get for you all?" Wendy asks. Wendy takes our order. I order a Cajun Chicken Pasta  and Louis orders a House Burger with fries we agreed to split them and share because we both couldn't decide. Mum ended up ordering a Dragon Rice Bowl and Jay ordered a Caprese Salad.

"So really what is the reason we are here?" Jay asks looking between Louis and i. "Ummm... well we wanted to tell you something... ummmm" Louis stutters and turns to me. "Umm w-we are dating..." I say. Mum looks at Jay and then back at me and Louis. "It's about time!" Mum shouts a smile stretching across her face. "I am so happy for you boys. I have been waiting for the day you both realized your feelings toward each other. Anne and I have  had many conversation about how we wish you too would just stop being silly and get together already" Jay beams. Louis looks down at me as my head has taken its place back on Louis shoulder. "Thanks Anne, thanks mum I am happy i realized how much i liked this boy." Louis leans down to place a kiss on lips causing me to giggle. "Lou...." I hide my face in Louis neck embarrassed. "Don't get shy now Curly." Louis says wrapping his arms around me. I blush and curl up closer into Louis breathing in his scent. "Sorry just weird being affectionate in public." Mum sends us both a smile. "So how long has this been happening?" Mum asks. "A week, but i have liked him forever".... I look up at Louis "seven years". "Sorry i took a while to catch up love... you know i haven't always been the smartest" Louis says looking me in the eyes. I smack his arm "Louis Tomlinson don't you dare talk down to yourself like that." "Sorry baby" Louis smiles at me.

"I am happy you finally got it together Louis, Anyone else know?" Jay asks. "Just Lottie, she helped me with planning our first date" Louis tells them. "Awe what did you do for your first date?" Mum asks. "He sent me on a scavenger hunt that led to the park where i broke my arm and then to our living room where he had a fort made with Chinese food and movies ready." I gush. "That is adorable, Never saw you as a romantic Louis" My mum teases causing Louis to blush "Umm yeah" Louis laughs "I guess Hazza hear brings it out in me." I giggle and whisper in his ear. "I like romantic Lou, he makes me feel special and my tummy fill with butterflies." "You sap" Louis laughs kissing my head.

The rest of lunch goes by without any concerns we make small talk, mum tells us about her trip and how excited she is to start her new position as the hotel manager, though it means she will be working a lot more hours i am really happy for her. I am also thankful for her and Jay being so open and accepting of Louis and I. We leave an hour later with full stomachs and sore cheeks from all the laughing and smiling that was done over dinner. Jay offers to drive mum home so they can have coffee and catch up as adults without Lou and I. So Louis and I head to Louis house to rest before heading over to Liams for the night.

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