Chapter 17

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"Mum?!" I shout as Louis and I enter the house. "Upstairs love" Mum calls back to me. Louis and I make our way up the stairs upon reaching the landing Louis grabs my hand and we walk into my mums room together. "Hi Anne" Louis cheers upon entering the room.

"Hi boys!, Are you excited for Christmas break?" "Yep!, Lou and I are kicking it off with a date night tonight!"  "Awe that is lovely what are you boys doing for this date?" "Hazza here won't tell me" Louis pouts sticking is lower lip out. "It's my turn to surprise you Lou" i giggle. "The two of you are so cute, Any other plans for the break?" "Well that's what we wanted to talk to you about... ummm i was wondering if... ummm maybe... we could have a... umm New Years Eve party at our house this year?" "I don't know Harry" mum says.

"Pleaaase Mum!" I break out my best puppy dog eyes and pout my lips out extra far. "No not the puppy eyes. Ugh Fine! But! Not to many people and i mean that mister" "Thank you mum! I love you so much!!" "I love you too, Louis please look after my boy at this party" mum says sternly. "I always do" Louis smiles. "You better learn to combat those puppy eyes Louis or you are in for many lost battles with this one" Mum laughs. "Trust me i know, this boy has used those eyes on me many times. That and those damn dimples. It's not fair he's just too cute" Louis coos making me blush. I giggle and kiss Louis cheek. "love you" "Love you too baby" Louis mumbles into my temple making mum coo.

"Okay i must get ready for work! Have a great date night boys and i will see you in the morning." "Bye mum have a good night" I say taking Louis hand and exiting mum's room to let her get changed. We head to my room and lay on my bed. "I'll text the boys and let them know about the party" Louis says pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Okay but first" i say taking Louis phone from his hand and laying it on the bed. I lean over and place my lips slowly onto Louis. Louis sinks into the kiss quickening the pace. We kiss for a few minutes more before Louis pulls away.

"Mmmm that was nice. Okay but more of that later I need to text the boys before i get lost in your lips" Louis laughs and picks up his phone.

Louis Bitches

Louis: Hey Lads! Good news Hazza was able to break out the puppy dog eyes and cornice Anne to let us have the party!

Nialler: Oi! Woohoo! Go H!

ZDog: Sick man! Party at H's house!

Hazzie 💚: Power of the puppy dog eyes!

Louis: So lads, everyone invite some people! But again make sure they are not going to start any drama or fights! Anne will kill me if anything happens to the house or Haz!                                               

Hazzie 💚 : She will also kill me considering she is my mother!

Lous: She loves me just as much as you Hazza you should know this by now i am her
second son!                                              

Hazzie 💚: Well that's concerning considering what we did last night... It may be frowned upon...

Nialler: OOOO Larry doing the dirty last night!

Louis: Haz 🙄 we are on a group chat.

Hazzie 💚: I have no shame! Now get your cute butt downstairs! We Have a date to go on!

Louis: I'm coming i'm coming!

ZDog: You two are something else! Enjoy your date! We must meet up to plan the party soon.

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