Chapter 9

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The next morning i wake up to Louis whispering in my ear "Good morning Hazza" I cuddle further into Louis and smile. "Hi Lou" i whisper. "How are you feeling love?" Louis asks. "'M scared..." i tell him honestly "Of what Love?" Louis pulls me in closer. "That you regret what happened last night and that it will change us." "Oh Love, i promise you i don't regret it at all. I like you. I really do. I think deep down i have always had feelings for you. I just never understood them. Ya know what, get up and get dressed i am taking you out for breakfast and we can talk everything through. Okay?" "Yeah okay that sounds great Lou" i can't help the grin from creeping on my face. "But first i need to shower i feel gross" i laugh getting up out of bed. "Sure love, you use my shower i am going to use the girls shower" Louis says smacking my ass on the way out of the room causing me to giggle.

I step into the shower taking the time to wash my body from head to toe replaying the thoughts of yesterday.

"I am so stupid... Just tell him then he will turn you down and you can move on. What if he hates me what if never wants to see me again. He's my best friend he doesn't like me that way..." I didn't realize i was having this internal battle with myself out loud until i heard. "But what if he does..." I whip my head around standing up to see Louis standing there "w- what?" Louis steps closer to me. "What if he feels the same but he has just been to stupid to realize." Louis grabs my hand. "Lou... please don't do this don't lie to me my heart couldn't take it." I plead. "Oh my sweet Hazza, i mean every word of it. I am stupid and i am sorry I didn't realize i sooner. I am sorry I didn't realize you felt this way about me i am sorry I didn't realize how much i like you and i am sorry that i hurt you." Before I realize what i am doing i am pushing Louis up against the wall of the house and kissing him. Once i come back to my senses i pull away. "Oh my god, Lou i am so sorry i shouldn't have done that!" "Baby don't you ever apologize for kissing me" Louis pulls me back into him and kisses me this time there is urgency behind the kiss. My tongue slips past his lips into his mouth, Louis sucks on my bottom lip causing me to let out a quiet moan.

Smiling at the memory i turn off the water and step out of the shower. I get dressed into a warm sweater that may or may not have been Louis and nice pair of skinny jeans as i am throwing my boots on Louis walks into the room with just his towel wrapped around his waist. "Close your mouth Curly" Louis laughs, i blush and pull on my last boot. "I-i am ready when you are" i tell him. "Yeah lets go" Louis says pulling up his jeans and grabbing his vans. Louis drives us to a cozy cafe a few blocks down. We go and sit in a corner booth each looking at a menu.

I sit there twiddling my fingers staring at the menu unsure of what to say or do my nerves taking over. "Hey, don't be nervous it's just me okay? No matter what, it is me H you can tell me anything at all okay? Why don't you start by telling me what you are feeling?" Louis says reaching across the table to take the my hand. "H-honestly Lou, i am feeling so many different emotions right now. But last night was a big deal for me. I like you Lou, I like you so freaking much and i have for a very very long time. I never thought that there would be any chance you felt the same. I am just worried that this is just an experiment for you and you are just trying to figure out who you are. I don't think i could handle you walking out of my life because this one day goes bad. You are new to these feelings Lou, im not." The words come out easier then I expected.

"I understand Haz, i realize that you have been aware of your feelings longer than i have. I guess i should explain when i realized as it seems sudden. I think deep down i have always had feelings for you. But what really made me realize was that when i was when i went out with El. There were little things at first where i was like oh Harry would love this, or El would do something and i would picture it being you. What really did it for me was when i kissed her i didn't feel anything for her and i just wanted to know what it would be like to kiss you." Louis tells me.

"So what was it like to kiss me then Lou" I tease with a cheeky grin. "Amazing something i would like do to again." Louis blushes. "I would like to kiss you again too Lou, but i need to know you are all in? Do you want to give this a real go?" "Haz, will you let me take you on a proper date and prove to you how much i want this to work?" There i was the words i have been dying to hear from Louis, well a few of the words. "Yes Lou, i would love to go on a date with you" i grin.

"So what did you decide to order?" "Um I'm thinking waffles" I tell him. "What are you having?" "Pancake H do you even have to ask" Louis sassed causing me to giggle. Not long later the waitress shows up to take our orders but not before flirting with Louis. My mood after that shifted and I started getting into my head again. "Haz what's wrong" "she was flirting with you" I pout. "Yeah she was but I wasn't flirting back love. Besides she's not the person I like" Louis reminded. "I'm sorry I know I am being stupid I just get anxious" "I know love and I understand I would never get upset with you for telling me how you feel I need to know these things H. Otherwise I can't help you". I just nod my head in response.

The rest of breakfast goes really well, we spend a lot of time just talking being the typical Lou and Haz. It's like nothing has changed which is a comforting feeling.
"So Haz I am going to drop you off at home and then I am going to head out for a bit" Louis tells me as we head to his car. "Why can't I come with you" I pout. "Don't pout silly I am going to plan our date for tonight and get everything ready" Louis chuckles. "Our date is tonight" "Yes you dork, now come on let's go"

We get into Louis car and he starts driving us home. On the drive home Louis reaches over and takes my hand in his. It's a simple gesture but it's comforting and sweet.
Louis pulls up in front of his house and out the car in park. "Alright love I will be back in a few hours" Louis says giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I will text you when I am on my way home" "Okay boo" I say getting out of the car before turning around "hey Lou... thank you" "For what Hazza?" "For being you... for being in my life... I will see you later bye Boobear" I close the door and head inside.

I walk into the living room and see Lottie sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Hey Lots!" "Hey Harry, where's Louis?" She asks. "Oh he had to run out for a bit he will be back later, can I join you?" "Of course H!" I sit down next to Lottie on the couch and continue watching 27 Dresses with her. Somewhere during the second movie I am not sure when, I fell asleep.

Louis POV

I get home four hours later to see Harry sleeping in the couch. He is literally the cutest thing ever. I take a few minutes to admire him before an idea pops into my mind I turn to Lottie. "Hey Lots do you mind if I ask you a favour no questions asked?" "Of course Lou what's up?" I tell her my plans for tonight and how I have another idea that popped into my mind and ask her for help to plan it. "Do you think you can help with that?" "Of course I can Lou, I am so happy for you both you have no idea but please do not hurt him. He cares about you Louis I think more than you realize so please don't hurt him he is a sweetheart." Lottie lectures. "Thank you Lottie and I wouldn't dream of hurting him he is the the best part of me" I smile and the boy laying in front of me.

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