Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning in Louis arms, our alarms for school weren't set to go off for another 10 minutes. I turn my body in his arms and look up at Louis's face smiling and taking in all his features, from his feathery hair to his thin soft lips. Beautiful absolutely beautiful. I didn't realize how long i was staring when suddenly the alarm goes off causing me to jump and Louis to slowly open his eyes. "Morning Hazza" "Good Morning Lou" a yawn slips out and i rub the my eyes with the back of my hands. "Awe is my Hazzabear sleepy?" I giggle at Louis something I find myself doing a lot around him. "Yeah because i had you snoring in my ear all night" i tease causing Louis to roll his eyes "Come on you loosha we have to get ready for school" Louis sits up grabbing my hand pulling me out of bed.

We get ready for school, i make us a both an easy breakfast of eggs and toast that we scarf down quickly. Louis drives us both to school, on the drive there i crank up the music singing at the top of my lungs causing Louis to laugh at me. I love making him laugh and will do anything to hear that angelic noise come from him.

We arrive at school and head to our classes, school goes by for the rest of the week without any concerns, sometimes Louis eats lunch with the boys and I but most of the time he is off with Eleanor. I am doing my best not to get upset with him. I keep my distance on the days he goes for lunch with her and my mum is home. It makes it easier that way. He doesn't seem to notice anyway.

It's now Friday after school and i am at my locker talking to Niall. "So Harry, we still on for tonight?" "Oh ummm... yeah its going to be at my place, Louis can't come anymore." I say trying to sound as unaffected by that information as possible, it seems to work because Niall doesn't say anything other than  "Oh okay, i will be there around 6:30? Sound good?" "Sounds good Nialler, can you let the boys know?" "Will do! See ya later H" and with that Niall walks away.

Just as i am closing my locker, i see Louis walking up to me hand in hand with Eleanor. "Hey Haz!" "Hey Lou, Hey El" i say putting on my best fake smile. "You going to be okay tonight, i know you mum is working late again" "Oh um... yeah i will be fine Ni and the boys are coming over tonight, we are still going ahead with our Friday night hangout." I say. "Oh... well that good, well i guess have fun, I'll see you later" Louis actually looks upset, but i can't understand why he is the one who is ditching me for Eleanor. I don't get him. "Yeah... enjoy your date..." I don't even try to hide the fact that i am upset at this point. "Thanks Harry! I hope you have a good weekend!" Eleanor chimes in. Man that pisses me off more, but i can't even be upset with her she is very nice to me and she has no idea how I feel so its pointless. I give Eleanor my best smile "Thanks Eleanor". "Bye Haz!" Louis says walking away. I sigh and start walking home, i just hope that she makes him happy at the end of the day that's all that matters.

I arrive home and take a quick shower, and start prepping snacks for tonight. Around 6:30 as i pour the last bag of chips into a bowl there is a knock on my door. I throw the empty bag in the garbage and head to the front door to open it. "Hey Harry!" Liam, Niall and Zayn all greet as i open the door. "Hey Guys! Come in!" I step aside letting them enter the house. Once they are all in I close the door and lock it. I lead the boys to my living room, "what do you guys want to do?" Niall asks as we sit on the couch. "We can watch movies, play a round of truths or play video games" i suggest. "I vote we play a round of truths, then video games and then end the night with a movie" Liam chimes in. "That's. a great idea Li!"

We all sit in a circle on the floor of my living room. "OKay so we all know the rules, its only truths, you have one chicken and you must answer honestly. Who's first?" I explain. "I'll go first! Z who's this mystery person you are always texting?" Liam asks. Zayn blushes "um... Gigi" "Awe does little Zaynie have a crush" Niall teases "Oi shut it Niall!" Zayn throws a pillow at him. "Okay my turn, Niall what's the last lie you told" Zayn asks. "No Liam i don't think that shirt makes you look stupid" Niall laughs causing everyone by Liam to laugh. "Niall!" Liam squeals. Niall laughs again. "Okay my turn, Harry do have a crush on someone right now?" "Um... y-yes" i look down to my lap. "Awe who!?" Zayn asks. "Hey only one question! Okay Li who's your crush?" I ask. "Maya..." Liam say slowly. "Awe she's cute!" I tell him sincerely. "Oi! Back off Harold" Liam laughs causing me to laugh. "Don't worry she's not my type!" I reassure him. "Oh okay. Well it's my turn again. So Harry who is your type?" Liam asks. "Chicken!" I yell louder then i wanted too i realize this because all the boys are sharing a confused look. "Okay well it's my turn again. Harry who is your crush?" Zayn asks curiously. I can't be mad at him i would be curious too, but i can't tell them i just can't. "I-i don't wanna play anymore" I say looking down in my lap once again. "Harry are you okay?" Zayn asks. "Can we please jus do something else" i beg. "Yeah H of course. Why don't we play some video games." Niall suggests. "That sounds good. I will order us some food and bring out the snacks." I say getting up from the floor and heading to the kitchen.

I take my time ordering the pizza, i needed a minute to get myself together. As i am walking back to the living room i can hear the boys talking. "Man i feel bad. I shouldn't have asked him that, he seemed so upset" Zayn says. "Z it's okay don't feel bad. We all would have asked the same thing. He is just a shy one. Let's just try and make him feel comfortable and keep the subjects off relationships." Liam suggests. "Good plan Li, lets get FIFA started while we wait for him to come back" Niall says lightening the mood.

I decide to wait in the hallway for the pizza to arrive, i needed more time to get myself in a space to engage with the boys. I know i am being my dramatic self as usual, but i am just not ready for everyone to know who i am. The knock on the door breaks me out of the my thoughts. I quickly get up off the floor and answer the door and pay for the pizza. I head to the living room with he pizza and drinks setting it on the table. "Hey guys dig in" I say. "Thanks Mate!" Niall jumps up and grabs a plate and a few slices of pizza.

We spend the rest of the night hanging out, laughing and sharing stories, and just being typical teenage boys. I really like spending time with these guys we don't do it often and i feel like we really need to hangout more. There were a few times throughout the night where i thought it would be great if Louis were here or Louis would have loved this. But i know there will be more times to hangout the five of us and i can not wait.

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