Chapter 1

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It's Monday Morning, October 15th. Harry sprints out of the theatre room and races down the long hallways ignoring the teachers cries to slow down. Suddenly the Curly haired boy spots the his feathery brown hair headed friend standing by their lockers.

"Lou guess what!" Harry says racing towards his friend. "Well hello to you too curly" Louis laughs."Sorry Hi LouLou" Harry says between giggles. "So Curly what's up?" Louis says taking his friend by the shoulder and guiding them towards their next class. Harry blushes at the touch and butterflies start dancing around in his stomach. "O-o I got the part in the play!" Harry exclaims. Louis stops walking and pulls Harry into a hug. "Congratulations Curly I am so proud of you!" Louis tells his best friend. "Thank you Lou it means a lot! But you know this means you have to come over and help me learn my lines right?" Harry tells his friend melting into the hug. "Of course Love, but you have to play goalie for me while I practice my penalty shots." Louis laughs. "Thanks Lou it's a deal!" Harry starts giggling and feels like his stomach is carrying a butterfly sanctuary in it with the amount he is feeling in his stomach as his best friend of 12 years calls him Love. Harry you need to relax, he is your best friend who is straight, he doesn't feel anything for you in that way.

"Come on Curly, let's get you to class, your mum will kick my arse if you are late again because of me." Louis jokes. "Lou my mum loves you she wouldn't kick your arse, she may just give you the I am disappointed in your look." Harry giggles. Louis gasps "Harold that is worse!" Louis dramatically tells his friend. Sometimes Harry wonders why Louis isn't in the drama department, he can be very over the top dramatic. Harry giggles to himself and tells his friend "Come on you goof, let's go to class." Louis throws his hand over Harry's shoulder and guides him to class after saying "To class we go!" Causing the younger Curly haired boy to giggle for the 10th time since they started talking this morning.

                           ~~~~time skip~~~~

After school, Harry and Louis meet at their lockers. "Hey Hazza, are you coming over today?" Louis asks as he puts his books in his locker. "Sure Lou, can I get a ride with you though, Mum needed the car today" Harry's family didn't have a lot of money so often Harry and his mum traded the car back and forth. "Of course Haz, lets get going." Louis starts heading towards the exit dribbling the football between his feet as he went. Harry laughed and stared at his best friend with fondness. "Lou wait for me!" Harry giggled. Louis stopped and looked back over his shoulder. "Well hurry up then Curly!" Harry quickly jogs up to Louis and they head out to Louis car.

On the 15 minute drive home, they listen to music and laugh at each other's outrageous dance moves. At the next stop light Louis pulls out his stop the traffic move. Harry starts laughing uncontrollably. "Its funny because we are stopped in traffic" Harry says in between laughs. "You're silly Harold" Louis laughs. They spend the rest of the ride laughing at each other. Harry smiling his Cheshire Cat smile dimples prominent, Louis eyes crinkling more and more with his smile as it gets bigger and bigger throughout the car ride. By the time the boys reached Louis house their stomachs hurt and tears were in their eyes from laughing so much.

Grabbing their backpacks from the backseat, they head up the cobblestone pathway to Louis house. As they enter the house they drop their bags on the bench in the entry way kicking off their shoes and head to the kitchen.

"Haz can you make us a snack I am hungry!" Louis said as he hops up onto the counter. "Is this the only reason you wanted me to come over?" Harry laughs as he starts to head for the fridge. "Of course Love, it's the only reason I keep you around didn't you know?" Louis teases. "Fine Boobear I will make you food." Harry teases back knowing Louis hates the nickname. "Ugh I hate that my mum told you that name" Louis groans at this best friend. "You love it and you know it!"

Before Louis had a chance to answer, the front door opens and they hear the sound of little feet running towards the kitchen. "LOULOU HAZZIE!!" Phoebe and Daisy squeal as they see the two boys in the kitchen. Daisy runs straight to Louis arms while Phoebe runs right to Louis. Harry loves Louis 10 year old siblings as. If they are his own. Louis family is Harry's second family. They all love him and treat him as if he belongs. "Hi Loves, How are you both doing?" Jay Louis mum says as she enters the room. "Hi Mum! We are doing well. Haz is making us a snack do you want anything?" Louis asks his mum as he spins his younger sister around. "That would be lovely, thank you Harry what would we do without you?" Jay jokes. "Well I am sure you and the girls would be fine, but Lou on the other hand I don't know how this boy would survive" Harry teases. "Oi Harold! Rude!" Louis exclaims as he fake cries into his hands. "You know it's true Lou!" Harry giggles. Louis jumps off the counter and starts tickling Harry. "L-Lou s-stoooop" Harry said between giggles. "Fine!" Louis said in defeat. "But just so you know young Harold, you are stuck with making me food for forever! Even when you are married with your own family I will be coming over every day just so I can have my daily Hazza food!" Louis jokes jumping back on the counter. "Y-yeah" Harry said. Harry feels slight disappointment at Louis comment. Harry knows that Louis and Harry will eventually grow up and have their own families but It hurts Harry to think of Louis finding someone who isn't Harry, getting married and having kids. Harry distracts himself by deciding on what to make the house for a snack. Thankfully Jay who shoots Harry a sympathetic smile, breaks the tension. "Come on girls let's go get changed and wash up!" Jay said while guiding the twins upstairs.

"So Haz I have news!" Louis said rather excited. "Oh yeah what is that?" Harry said curiously. "I have a date!" Louis exclaims. "O-oh with who?" Harry said as his stomach sank and tears started forming in his eyes. Harry turned away from Louis busying himself so Louis wouldn't notice. "With Eleanor" Louis explains. "That's great Lou, I am happy for you" Harry tells his best friend after discreetly wiping the tear from his eye. Harry turns to Louis and give him his snack. " I-I am just going to go to the bathroom quickly" Harry said as he walked out of the kitchen. "Okay Hazza, I will meet you in my room.

Harry quickly walks to the bathroom that's across from the kitchen. Upon entering the bathroom Harry shuts the door and slides down the wall onto the floor. You knew this would happen Harry. He is your best friend, he is straight, he will never see you the way you want him to. You need to get over these feelings. Harry starts crying curling his legs up to his chest his arms wrap around his legs and his head falls into his arms.

You need to move on Harry. He will never love you....

Hi everyone, this is a story I have started on Wattpad. I will continue to write it on both TikTok and Wattpad. TikTok will be updated more frequently as it is easier for me to update. My TikTok is @Tpwk28hl

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