Chapter 20

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The next morning, i wake up to the sound of Louis beautiful voice whispering in my ear. "Hazza Curly, My Love, Sweetheart it's time to wake up" Louis starts tickling my sides. "L-Lou s-stop t-tickles" i laugh. "Merry Christmas baby" Louis smiles as he stops tickling me. "Merry Christmas Boobear" i smile.

"We have to get going Love, it's 7:30 we need to be on the road in 30 minutes if we are going to make it to my house for 9:00am." Louis says climbing out of bed. "Okay Lou, can we stop and get coffee for the road?" I ask. "Sounds great babe. Now get your bit up and get in the shower with me!" Louis winks making me giggle and spring out of bed.

I follow Louis to the bathroom and he turns on the shower letting the water heat up before turning to me. "How are you feeling baby?" " 'M good, embarrassed but good" i whisper. "Don't be embarrassed baby, i loved last night, like i told you last night i want to explore all of that with you." Louis reassures me. "I love you" "Love you more Haz." "Come on lets go shower now we have to get going soon." Louis says as he strips his clothing off, i follow his lead. We get into the shower taking turns washing each other's bodies and hair.

We get out of the shower twenty minutes later and pulled on our clothes, from the bag that i packed. We both decided on wearing a comfy sweater, i wore Louis and Louis wore mine both wanting the comfort of each other's smell and a pair of sweats. "Ready to go love?" Louis asks as i pull on my shoes. "Yeah i am ready Louis, do you want to drive or do you want me to drive" i yawn. "I can drive you are still sleepy, but we will stop for coffee i know the girls are going to be all over you as soon as we get home" Louis suggests. "Deal... Let's get going i am sure the girls are dying to open their gifts" i yawn again. " 'm sleepy Lou" "I know sweetheart you can sleep on the way home, it's okay you were up extra early yesterday making my birthday the most amazing day ever and i wore you out last night" Louis kisses me,

"I will be fine once we stop and get some coffee!" I protest. "Now lets go we have an hour drive ahead of us!" Louis laughs and follows me out to the car. Louis drives us back to his house after stopping at the local coffee shop near the cabin that was thankfully open. The drive home went by quickly, i turned up the music and started singing for Louis the entire drive, making him chuckle at my over exaggerated dance moves.

We pull into Louis driveway an hour later and make our way inside. "Boys you made it! Merry Christmas" Jay cheers pulling us in for a hug as soon as we enter the house. "Happy Christmas my loves!" My mum says once Jay releases us pulling both Louis and i in for an embrace. "Merry Christmas everyone" i cheer taking Louis hand and walking us both to the couch. Louis sits down first and pulls me onto his lap making me giggle. "Merry Christmas!" Louis chimes.

Lottie coos as Louis and i before bombarding us with questions. "Okay now tell us everything how was the night." "Yes tell us everything... well maybe not everything you can keep a few things to yourself. There are a dew things about my baby brother i do not need to know." Gemma chimes in.

"Gemma!" I blush "Don't play innocent young Harold. I saw that hickey on your neck there" Gemma says leaning across Lottie poking my neck. "Gemmmm you are embarrassing me" i whine. "Good then i am doing my job as a big sister" she laughs. "Boobear make her stop" i whine and hide in Louis chest.

"It's okay baby, i am glad everyone can see that you are mine" Louis reassured me kissing my temple and rubs circles down my back. "Okay enough with the cuteness lets open presents then you are telling us everything! Well i agree with Gemma there are some details you can leave out" Lottie giggles.

"Oh Lottie..." Louis rolls his eyes. "Okay present time! But you have to bring me all of my gifts because I have a cuddly Harold on me right now" Louis states. "I can get up Lou. It's fine" i giggle. "Don't you are warm" Louis wraps his arms tighter around my waist. "Alright here boys let me grab your gifts" My mum laughs and stands up grabbing mine and Louis gifts from under the trees placing it in front of us. "Thank you mum, love you" i smile. "Love you too sweetheart" Mum leans down and kisses my forehead.

The eleven of us spend the next hour and a half taking turns going one by one opening all of the presents. Enjoying seeing each others faces as we all open the gifts. Sharing in the joy and laughter of one another's presence. Louis and I decided we wanted to open each other's gifts in private. Once we are done we head up to Louis room, while everyone takes their alone time and Jay and my mum start dinner.

We are currently sitting on Louis bed facing each other. "Here it's not much, i spent the majority of my money on your birthday. But i hope you like it anyways" i shyly hand Louis the box. "Harry you realize you dind't have to get me anything right? Yesterday was more than enough. But thank you baby." Louis opens he box and pulls out a soft dark red sweater which had a jar wrapped up in it with a bunch of pieces of paper in the jar. Written on the jar it letter said 100 reasons why I love you. "Haz... thank you!" Louis gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"you are welcome Boo, love you . Don't read those all in one night" i wink. "I love you too, here" Louis laughs handing me a small box. I open the box and my jaw hit the floor a gorgeous ring is staring back at me. It is a simple silver outlining band with a thick black band inside with writing on it saying Always in my Heart "Lou" i gasp. "L-Lou it's beautiful" i start to tear up. "T-thank you"

"Yeah you really like it?" Louis questions. "No Lou... I love it! Baby its beautiful" i gushed. "I am glad sweetheart. I was nervous you wouldn't like it but i hope it's a reminder that no matter what i am always and forever you are in my heart" "i love it and i love you in case you didn't get that from the amount of times i have said that today" i giggle. "I love you too" Louis laughs and leans in to give me a kiss.

"Oh Lou... the play is the third week in February opening night is the day before play offs... Are you able to come? I know footie is important but i would really love it if you could make the show." I ask. "I will do everything in my power to make it Haz, coach will have us on an intense practice regimen, if i can't i will come to another show i promise." Louis assures me. I frown at the thought that he wouldn't make it to my opening show, it's a big deal and i really want him there. "Oh okay, i get it" i sigh in defeat. "Why the sad face Love?" I will make it to at least one of the shows"

"No i know, it's opening night is just a big night, it's the most important show. It would just be nice to have you in the audience." I express. "Look H, i am sorry i will try but i am not going to make a promise i can't keep. You know how intense footie can get around play offs" Louis snaps which shocks me. I don't understand why he is getting mad with me.

"I-I get it..." tears start forming in my eyes. "umm 'm gonna go see if our mum's need help with dinner." I get up and leave the room without waiting for Louis to responded.

I walk into the kitchen and make eye contact with Jay. "Hey Love what's wrong" Jay asks. "I think Lou and i got into a fight... I don't know what i did not make him mad at me, i-i just told him something was important to me" I couldn't hold back and tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"Oh Harry i am sorry. Come on help me bake some cookie to get you mind off my silly son" Jay suggests. I love Jay she always knows how to make me feel better. "that sounds lovely Jay, thank you" i smile.

Jay and i spend the next hour together making sugar cookies and laughing. I forgot about the fight with Louis for a while and just got out of my head. Jay really is like my second mum. I always feel safe with her. I hear footsteps walk into the kitchen and i turn to see who it is.


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