Chapter 28

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4 Years Later

"Daddee!" Tia giggles. "Yes munchkin?" Harry responds. "We go get Papa now?" She asked. "Yeah baby girl we are going to get Papa now. Can you put your shoes on for me?" Harry tells his daughter. "Otay Daddee!" Tia puts on her shoes. \

"Tia baby girl are you ready?" Harry asks. "Ready!" She smiles at her shoes and takes Harry's hand. They walk to the car Harry puts Tia in her car seat and buckles her in before getting in the car and driving to the airport. They arrive at the airport, Harry parks and goes to unbuckling Tia before heading in to wait for Lou. They arrive at the airport, Harry parks and goes to unbuckling Tia before heading in to wait for Lou.

10 minutes later inside the airport Tia is in Harry's arms. "Da-dee its Papa! its Papa!" Tia starts squirming to get Harry to put her down. "Go get him Baby Girl." Harry puts her down and watches Tia run to Louis. "Papa! Papa!" Tia runs to Louis wraping her arms around his legs.

"Hi little bean!" Louis picks Tia up and hugs her before peppering her face with kisses making Tia giggle. "Papa tickles". "Sorry baby" Louis chuckles and looks up to see Harry standing there staring with fondness. "Hi Curly." "Hi baby, i missed you." Harry leans in to kiss Louis. "I missed you more. Take me home babe?" Louis suggests.

"Home! Yay!" Tia claps hands making both Harry and Louis chuckle. The small family walk to the car Louis carrying Tia Harry taking Louis bags. Harry drives them home. Tia telling Louis about her week without Louis and everything he missed. Which was just a lot of colouring and movies, with a few trips to the park. Once they arrive home Louis goes and showers while Harry makes dinner and Tia helps.

20 minutes later Louis walks into the kitchen. "smells delicious Babe." Harry smiles "Thanks love, can you set the table? Its ready." Harry asked his husband. "Of course" Louis smiles and sets the table while Harry brings the food to the table before setting Tia in her chair. Once they all sit down to dinner Louis tells Harry all about his conference he went to. Harry listens intently happy to have his husband home where he belongs.

After they finish dinner Louis starts doing the dishes while Harry takes Tia upstairs to have her bath. "So shall we watch a movie?" Louis asks when Harry and Tia come back downstairs. "Tangled Papa!" Tia cheers. Louis laughs "of course baby girl." Louis gets up and puts on the movie and comes back and sits next to Harry Tia moves to squeeze in between her Daddy and Papa."I missed you Papa." Tia says snuggling in closer to Louis. "I missed you more little bean." Louis kisses Tia's head.

"Did you miss Da-dee?" "I missed your Daddy alot." Louis smiles at his daughter before looking up at his husband. "Dadee did you miss Papa?" Tia asks turning to Harry. "I did baby but i am glad i had my little munchkin to keep me company." Harry starts peppering kisses to Tia's face. Tia giggles "Silly Dadee!" Louis and Harry chuckle. Half way through the movie Tia falls asleep.

Louis looks down to see his sleeping daughter and leans over to whisper to Harry "Shes asleep." Harry smiles down at his daughter and whispers "I'm glad you are home. I really did miss falling asleep next to you." "I missed falling asleep next you too baby. What do you say i go put our daughter to bed and you put on a different movie?" Louis suggests. "That sounds lovely." Louis gets up and picks Tia up carrying her upstairs to put her to bed while Harry finds a movie for the two of them to watch.

5 minutes later Louis comes back and sits on the couch Harry curls up into Louis side pressing play on the movie. "I am so lucky to have such an amazing life with you Haz, we have a beautiful daughter and i fall in love with you more and more everyday"

"I love you too Lou so much and i am so greatful to share this amazing family with you. I am so happy we decided to adopt Tia. I will love you always..."

"And Forever..." Louis adds before leaning in to kiss Harry.

The End

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