Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning with Louis still cuddled into me, and the butterflies are back and they are working over time. I admire Louis facial features for a few minutes before i look at the time and realize i need to wake Louis up he needs to be at the field in an hour for his game. "Lou time to wake up" i whisper in his ear. I feel him stir beside me before opening his eyes slowly and rubbing them with the back of his hand and man is that the cutest sight i have ever seen. "Morning Curly" He says looking up at me. "Morning Lou, you have to get up you need to head to your game soon" "You are like my own personal alarm clock thanks Hazza" "It's one of my many talents" I tease. Louis laughs getting up out of bed and heads to the bathroom to start getting ready.

"Alright Haz i have to get going i will see you at the game!" Louis says coming back into the room. I wish him good luck and decide to get ready myself. I settle for one of Louis sweaters and a pair of black skinny jeans along with my brown boots. I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I end up putting on my beanie because my hair isn't cooperating with me today. Once i am finished getting ready i head downstairs to see Louis's family. "Hey Harry are you ready to go Mum is going to drive us all to the game" Lottie asks. "Yeah Lots! Let's go"

We all pile into Jay's van i help put the two year olds Ernest and Doris in the their car seats in the front row, the older twins who are 8 years old Phoebe and Daisy sit in the very back row, Lottie and Felicitie sit in the middle row gossiping about school. Lottie is 15 and Felicitie is 13 and i sit up front with Jay. The ride is loud all the kids are laughing and talking over each other, but it was nice. I love Louis family you never feel alone when you are with them. My mind drifted to Louis on the ride over there i hoped he wasn't nervous. I know he is going to do well he is such an amazing soccer player.

Once we arrive we all file out of the van, Phoebe and Daisy each grab one of my hands and we walk towards the bleachers near where the boys are playing. It is a little bit chilly out today and i regret not wearing a coat. But once the game starts i seem to forget the cold and get lost in the game by half time Louis team is up 2-1. Louis looks up in the stands while the team was having their huddle and Lou looks up into the stands giving me a wink. I give him a quick thumbs up as a way to say you are doing a good job.

By the time there is 2 minutes left in the game the score is tied 3-3 . Louis's team ends up getting the ball and start making their way down the field. Louis's team mate passed Louis the ball, he dribbles it past the other players until he is just one on one with the keeper, Louis kicks the ball the keeper dives left and the ball goes top right into the the corner of the net just as the ref blows the whistle signalling the end of the game score 4-3 for Louis team. The crowed goes wild. Niall and Liam who had decided to come watch were jumping up and down screaming. Louis family and i all went in for a big group hug.

Louis came running up to the bleachers after his teams huddle and pulls me in for a hug. "Congrats Lou you did amazing" I tell him pulling him in tighter. "Thanks Curly, you are my personal good luck charm!" "I am so proud of you boo" i say releasing the hug. "hey boys mum is wanting to take the family out to eat to celebrate. you boys in?" Lottie asks. "Sounds great Lots. We will follow you guys there!" Louis heads to the locker room to change i wait in the bleacher talking with Niall and Liam before they have to head back home. "Ready to go?" Louis asks a 10 minutes later. "Yeah lets go." We walk to Louis's car and start driving to the restaurant.

We arrive at the restaurant to see that Louis family is already seated. Louis and I sit down next to Phoebe and Daisy. Phoebe sits next to Louis and Daisy sits next to me. Dinner is fun, Lottie tells everyone about her dream to get into beauty wanting to open her own beauty line one day. She talks for the majority of the time we were there, its really nice to see her so passionate about something. "Hey Lots you should join in as our hair and makeup stylist for the play" I suggest. "Wait what really?" Lottie asks shocked. "Yeah i mean we are looking for someone i think you would be great at it" "Harry that would be amazing thank you!" Lottie gets up and gives me a hug. "No worries Lots." "Harry thats very sweet of you" Jay says. "It's nothing we need one anyway and Lots is great at it." Lottie spends the rest of diner talking about how excited she is and asks about the play we are doing.

"Thank you for being an amazing best friend Haz and looking out for my family"  Louis tells me when we are back at Louis house. "Of course Lou, you guys are like my second family, i love you all" I smile. "They love you too Curly." We spend the rest of the night watching movies until we fall asleep with me curled up into Louis arms.

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