Chapter 25

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The next three weeks go by quickly, Louis and I really take the time to work on our communication skills and talk to each other about our insecurities and what we need from each other in the situations where we are feeling insecure. It has really helped strengthen our relationship and makes me feel so much closer to Louis.

Louis's dad has not made an appearance in Louis life since that conversation three weeks ago, Louis blocked his father number and we have moved on from that day. Louis started going to see a therapist to work on his anxieties surrounding his father and working on techniques to use when his anxiety is present. It has been three weeks of healing but also stressing over exams and the end of our high school career. But we both did it, we both passed all of our finals, we made it together happy and loved.

We had prom two days ago and it was the best day of my life. Louis and i have been out since the New Year in school and for the most part we have received an outpouring support. So being able to go to prom and walk in hand and hand with Louis, dancing with Louis and the biggest surprise of all was being announce prom Kings with Louis. That night Louis and I decided to get a hotel room and have a romantic night the two of us away from our families.

Louis Mr Romantic, went out and laid rose petals all around the room and leading to a bath that was filled with rose petals and a bottle of champagne and chocolates were laying beside the tub. We shared a very sensual bath together before Louis carried me to the bed and made sweet love to me. It was a whole different experience then any other time we had sex. I think i fell deeper in love with him that day. Which i really did not think could happen.


It is now the morning of our graduation and Louis and I are at his house getting ready.
"Lou! Are you ready we have to be at the school in half an hour!" *I shout at Louis from Louis's room while Louis is in the bathroom. "Babe relax i am ready. Why are you so nervous?" Louis questions. "We are graduating today Lou, aren't you nervous?" "I think you are nervous enough for the both of us." Louis laughs. "Baby breathe for me, its going to be okay." He rubs my back.

"What if i fall Lou?" I whisper, my clumsiness has always been a big insecurity for me and the thought of falling in front of hundreds of people made me extremely nervous. "If you fall then i will fall as well. I walk after you remember?" "Yeah okay... i love you" i smile slightly. "Love you more. Now lets go."

We climb into Louis car and head out to the school where our graduation is taking place. My mum, Jay and both Louis and I's siblings follow in a couple cars behind us. Like we are one big family.

We all get seated in alphabetical order and I look around to try and find Louis in the rows behind me, after searching and searching i feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and see a text from Louis. I see you baby breathe it will be okay. I smile and take a deep breath. I turn around and see Louis waving at me 3 rows back. Instantly i am comforted knowing that my boy is here.

Only 15 minutes later Principal Janes started to give the graduation speech. "Congratulations to the graduating class, you have reached the closing of one chapter and are moving onto the next. Now we recognize that this journey has been a challenge and we see the hard work that all of you have put in to make it here today. We celebrate you, we honour the commitment you have made to your future. We wish you all great success and all your dreams come true."

"Now please help me in giving a round of applause for our fellow graduates. When i call your name please come up on stage to collect your diploma." Principal Janes calls our names one by one.

"Niall Horan" Niall walks on stage with the biggest smile on his face to collect his diploma. Principal Janes describes Niall's future plans for everyone to hear. "Niall has always been a source of light in the school his laugh is loud and contagious. Niall plans to go to the Univeristy of Manchester to study Music. Good luck Niall" Everyone claps.

"Zayn Malik" Zayn walks on stage to collect his diploma a small smirk playing on his lips. Principal Janes begins to describe Zayn. "Zayn on the outside appears quiet and moody but is friends describe him as out going and goofy once you can break his shell. Zayn plans on going to Metroplitian Manchester University to study graphic design. We with you luck Zayn." Everyone cheers.

"Liam Payne" Liam walks on stage to collect his diploma a huge grin on his face. Principal Janes starts talking about Liam. "Liam is a smart and loyal his friends describe him as the "Daddy" of the group but he can also isn't afraid to join in on the fun and practical jokes. Liam plans to attend Manchester University to study computer science. We wish you all the success Liam." Everyone claps.

"Harry Styles" I walk on stage to collect my diploma just praying I don't fall. Principal Janes starts talking about me. "Harry is the embodiment of Love. Harry cares about every person and wants everyone to be happy and feel love and acceptance. Harry tries to love everyone equally, well almost everyone. According to Harry's friends Louis will always be above everyone in the world. Louis and Harry are two peas in a pod. If you are looking for Harry just find Louis and you can bet Harry wont be far behind. Harry plans to attend Metropolitan Manchester University to study Journalism. Good luck Harry, take care!" I blush as his words and everyone in the crowd laughs.

"Louis Tomlinson" Louis walks on stage to collect his diploma, being is silly goofy self. Principal Janes starts talking about Louis. "Louis is a vibrant ball of energy, he never sits still, he was a joy to watch around the hallways bouncing on his feet. His teachers may say otherwise but we all have a soft spot for Louis in our hearts. Despite Louis inability to sit still we always know one sure way to relax Louis and that is bringing Harry to his side. With Harry present it was like some calming energy washed over Louis and instantly he was at peace. So much to the statement we said about young Harry, if we need to find Louis we look for Harry because with out a doubt Louis is there by his side. Louis plans to attend Metropolitian Manchester University to study physiotherapy. Louis also plans to join the football team and hopes to help take his team to nationals . Good luck Louis!" I cheer the loudest for my boyfriend so proud of him.

"Congratulations graduation class you did it!" We all throw our caps in the air.

As soon as i see Louis in the crowd i run to him and jump into his arms. "We did it Lou! We made it!" "That we did baby that we did!"

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