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Namjoon sighed holding a few bags of groceries as he walked into the elevator in his building.

he watched as the door closed and sat back looking at nothing in particular as hummed to himself. 

Looking down at his feet after feeling a light tug at his pants leg, he gasped a little


I watched as a all grey cat curled up on his shoe.

"and just what might you be doing here?"

The cat didn't say much... not like it could. He watched as its Big brown orbs looked at him. tilting its head sideways, it stared up at him a bit longer before letting out a soft "meow" and throwing itself back against his leg again.

his lips formed a thin line.

Well... i mean it looks clean...not really sure if its a boy or a girl

he thought to himself staring down at it. the elevator dinged knocking him out of his thoughts. he pulled his foot away from the cat that looked up at him strangely before walking around it

"Sorry but i have to go now." he spoke softly,  walking out the elevator and down the hall to his apartment door. he unlocked it and walked inside.

all while the cat watched before the elevator doors closed again.


namjoon hissed pulling his hand away from the knife. he was always clumsy and often got a few cuts here and there when he cooked. He was by NO means the best in the kitchen.

But living on his own forced himself to work on things like this matter. one of the main reasons he decided to live alone rather than room up with his buddies. that and He needed space from them or he'd blow his brains out. He loved his best friends but they all had their own reasons for needing a space to themselves.

he was holding his finger under cold water when his phone buzzed on the counter. reaching over he picked it up and held it to his ear with his shoulder while walking to his bathroom to find a band-aid.

Namjoon- YO??

Jhope- Hey dude have you read the chat???

Namjoon- nah why?? is everything okay

Jhope- yeah everyone was wondering if we could do dinner at yours tonight. You know... some pizza and few beers. But you weren't answering the chat so i decided to call you to see if you were okay with the idea

namjoon had just walked back into the kitchen band-aid on his finger and stared at the mess in the kitchen.... he knew that he wanted no part in whatever he had tried to whip up and his stomach rumbled at the thought of pizza.

Namjoon- uhh yeah man sounds good

Jhope- cool we'll be over in a few

after saying okay namjoon hung up before placing his hands on his waist. 

"Guess i'm gonna have to clean this mess up."

30 minutes later there was a knock on his door. Opening it up he was greeted with his 3 best friends.

Jimim- dude!!! namjoon you didn't tell me your building had a stray?

he said as him and the guys walked in

namjoon frowned

Namjoon- ahh what?

Jimin- theres a stray cat... she's so pretty

Namjoon- she?? where

Jhope- we saw her in the lobby of your building

Jimin- yeah she was all grey and had the biggest brown eyes

namjoon nodded at the details remembering said cat took the elevator with him a few days ago. he didn't think much of it.

Namjoon- wait.... how do you know its a girl

Jin- Oh i checked

namjoon nearly spit out his beer he had just began sipping

jhope started laughing before biting into a slice of pizza

Namjoon- HUH!? you what? 

Jimin- yeah she let him hold her for like 2 minutes..

Jin shrugged his shoulders

Jin- i didn't want to misgender her so i made sure.

Ignoring the topic namjoon stuffed pizza in his mouth as the guys talked about random things and showed off pictures of their pets.

After meeting Jungkook and Taehyung a few times he wasn't so fond of them... he didn't hate them or anything in particular, he just grew tired around them quick. Jimin kept pressuring him to get a pup too. but after spending time with both dogs he realized thats just not what he needed right now.

both Jungkook and taehyung demanded a lot of attention when he visited them and it surprised him due to their owners being jin and jimin. both men who smother their pets lovingly with affection. 

he'd be too exhausted to take on that role. Both dogs were hyper which didn't exactly bother namjoon. yet wasn't the most appealing either.

If he was going to get a pet it would be something more relaxed. Like Jhope's cat. Yoongi wasn't too bad and wasn't very fond of people but had a bit of a soft spot for namjoon.

for whatever reason yoongi tolerated being close to namjoon and would sometimes let namjoon pet him. or take naps next to namjoon who'd sit quietly and read books on his visits.

unknown to namjoon himself, yoongi just saw him as a clumsy adult baby, who inflicted more harm on himself than others.

Yoongi was great and all but namjoon wasn't the biggest fan of cats. He always felt like you had to worship them just to get along with them. Although yoongi's relationship with Jhope seemed pretty well balance and he never saw Jhope beg yoongi to do anything.

he just didn't think he could come to terms with being that guy.... the guy who owned a cat.


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