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Light purs filled the lobby as namjoon squatted down to scratch the cats chin. This had been a routine over the course of the last month.

Uni was kicking his ass, The only bit of stress relief being hanging with the guys every other weekend or seeing this beauty when he went down to get his mail.

she was a very calm and collective cat no wonder the management hadn't called someone to come get her out or kick her out themselves. she never bothered the residents and offered a few meows here and there as if she was asking folks how their days went as they stopped to get their mail.

some even spoke back to her as if she could understand.

Namjoon had grown fond of her. she was sweet. at least he thought so. The guys had visited a few times. During a few of those trips she'd ride the elevator with them only sitting close to Namjoon though. She let jin pet her again before but didn't let him pick her up anymore.

they both flinched at the sound of namjoon's phone going off. he bid the cat a soft farewell before turning around and answering the call as he walked toward the elevator.

Jimin- NAMJOONNNNNN!!!!!!!!

namjoon winced moving the phone away from his ear some.

Namjoon- jimin one of these days your going to break my ear drums.

Jimin- oh hush! the picture you sent was adorable. i don't understand why you wont just go ahead and adopt her

a few minutes prior namjoon had sent a selfie of him and the cat to the group chat. once he found out she'd let him get close enough to take one. he's been taking one with her every time he gets his mail to send to the guys.

he groaned 

Namjoon- not this again chim... I told you i'm fine

Jimin- dude your totally not! your always so grumpy. Everyone agreed you need a companion. she's perfect just take her in.. then they'll be 2 dog owners and 2 cat owners in our group!

Namjoon rolled his eyes as he put his key in his door to unlock it

Namjoon- Jimin i've told you this over and over again im fine.... plus it's not even that simple.. taking on a pet is a lot of hard work i still hurt myself every time i try to cook something in the kitc-

his words cut off as he felt something nudge his leg while he opened the door.

looking down the cat had followed him all the way to his apartment door and was now peering inside.

he froze

Jimin- namjoon you there???

the cat looked up to him as he spoke into the phone

Namjoon- yes

the cat took that as a invitation and strolled into the apartment

Namjoon- what!? no..... not you-

Jimin- huh?? dude your being weird... anyways are you still coming over ???

namjoon huffed slumping his shoulders as he watched the cat snuggle up into a ball under his coffee table.

Namjoon- uhh yea yea... i'm leaving now.

he said hanging up the phone. the group had planned to all get some school work done at jimin's place.

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