Two Halves Make A Whole ~Preview~

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Thanks for reading my book "ANTI Kitten" Here is a glimpse of my new book "Two Halves Makes A Whole" a Min Yoongi fanfic

Two Halves Make A Whole -coming soon now on my page

"Dude!?? are you even listening, theres a meeting in 10 minutes"

yoongi nodded slapping taehyung's hand away. the younger boy sighed walking away. this was a everyday thing. Yoongi had been spacing out for months... Its been a few since he saw his father...

the man was very important to him... all of their dads where. Not many people knew if any. Who the seven bachelors actually were.

his dad had went away on "Business" exactly 3 months ago and hadn't contacted them since. it was stressing yoongi out. and because of this he had to step up to the plate a little earlier than expected.

to help with his nerves the other sex boys accompanied their father's to work to keep a close eye on yoongi who wasn't in his right mind. Yoongi knew this time would come but not so soon. It had been three years since he graduated high school. him Jin and jhope were all 22, while the rest of the group was 21. jungkook was a strangling 19.

"get out of your own head yoongi and focus.... we have training later as well"

spoke jin.

everyone knew he was stressing over his father's absence. But mopping around all day wouldn't change things nor make anything better.

Glimpse #2

i sat back in the chair across from my lawyer..

"Okay so....."

i asked annoyed.. i'd have a long day at work and just wanted to go home and relax

"its about your father's care taker"

i sat up quickly

"What about her... have you found her. does she know of her abilities.??"

i asked

he sighed leaning back in his chair. running his hands threw his hair. it was clear he was also stressed.

"I Don't know... possibly but even thats a stress. your father requested that his money be split between the two of you. apparently she has had a rough up bringing and works really hard for her money but he felt it was the least he could do with how she catered to him in his dying days."

i groaned looking to the side..... bad up bringing or not my father was always handing out money... he always jumped quick at a chance to help others financially without question whether or not their stories were really true. But could you blame a man with more money than he knew what to do with.


i leaned forward

"oh... there's a but?"

i asked and he nodded

"Once she realized the money was in her account she went to the bank to complain that there had been a mistake and when they explained to her how she acquired the money she requested that they give her half to the other beneficiary."

with that he slid a check on the table with a large some of zeros. i can admit i was pissed when i found out my fathers wishes... however i would never expect things to turn out like this.

"I...i don't understand. did she say why she didn't want the money"

i asked grabbing the check.

i still had enough money to last a life time. why would anyone turn down the amount of money she had been given.

"She said rightfully it belonged to you. and that she had worked so hard and already has everything she could ask for. Stated that she had no desire for a large some of cash. just wanted to see all her hard work blossom."

i sat back with my mouth open shocked.

"But whats most shocking... the back that contacted me is here. in korea"

i stood up quickly.

Glimpse #3

"Like i told you Y/N, we are gods"

"there has to be some misunderstanding... Im not a god, just some girl shipped across the world after her mother died..managing to chase her dreams."

Namjoon: Ok first of all, thats Horrible. Who would do such a thing. Second, i can assure you that you're most definitely a god. we all are. Except we were born into this fate.

I tossed yoongi's hand away from my shoulder causing him to frown

"So what does this mean for me... how did this happen."

Jhope: wait so all this time up until now you had no idea that you had powers??? nothing strange has happened

I thought back to earlier in my room with the bed sheets.

"Earlier i was looking for these shorts when i got frustrated and my bed sheets flew off by themselves and revealed the shorts. but thats about it."

I said pointing down at my fuzzy shorts looking up all the guys eyes followed my fingers and all of their faces went red

Yoongi: HEY!!!!!! EYES AWAY NOW!!!!!!!! SHE'S MINE

some of the boys looked away while namjoon and jungkook smirked

yoongi grabbed me by my wrist pulling me into my room, he slammed the door behind us shoving me into the door once it was closed.

"What do you think your doing showing off yourself to all my friends"

i huffed pushing him of me

"shut up yoongi, and get out while i change"

i felt a hard smack to my ass and i turned around to see him smirking

"You don't get it Y/N, Now that i've got you back in my grasp. Things wont go like last time."

i mugged him sliding some sweats on over my shorts since he wouldn't turn around for me to change.

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