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It's been a week and i can't get mochi to sleep in her room. I know she goes in there when i'm gone because she moves things around but when its time for bed she goes sprinting in my room before i have a chance to lock her out.

i Huffed thinking back to the moment i showed her the room after everyone had left.

I opened the door and she just stood there looking around

I smiled down at her

Namjoon- nice right?? do you like it?

she sniffed the air some and looked around the room before shaking her head

I grabbed her hand trying to pull her into the room so she could at least look around

Namjoon- aww come on don't be like that mochi just give it a try... sleep in it for a night and test it out.

she snatched her head away from me

Mochi- no. kill yourself, i am NOT sleeping in this room.

she said stomping over to mine.

i huffed closing the door and walking in my room behind her

Namjoon- you don't have to be so mean about it Mochi i'm trying

i raised my arm sliding my shirt over my head as i watched her eye me before tilting her head slowly.

Mochi- I don't understand did i say something wrong??

i sat on the bed and looked over at her.

Namjoon- mochi.... baby you just told me to kill myself.....

Mochi- Ohh joonie thats called a meataphor

i frowned looking at her

Namjoon- a what now?

Mochi- a meataphor... its like when you say something, but you aren't serious about it. I learned those when i used to camp out in front of this one shop. the owners loved each other but fought so much and they'd say things they never really meant.. over the years i found they make great comebacks

i frowned at the thought of her having to sleep out in front of some sleazing old shop. but i laughed inside at her saying the word wrong

i reached up petting behind her ears as she purred.

Namjoon- its called a metaphor baby

her purring grew louder and soon her whines filled the room when i pulled my hand away.

Namjoon- lets sleep.

i said getting up to turn off the lights.. i turned back around to see her missing but noticed her small little grey cat form on one of my pillows. i shook my head before laying down next to her only to have an latch onto my chest 

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