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I screamed and kicked as namjoon threw me over  his shoulder

mochi- what the hell are you doing!!!! let me go right now!!!

i yelled holding my breath.

Namjoon- NO!! your coming home with me and thats final!!

Mochi- NO!!

i screamed falling to the ground and running back over to jimin... who stood there confused with a slightly shaken up tae

jimin rapped his arms around me protectively

Jimin- dude!! what the hell is going on?? she's all shaken up. maybe she should just stay here for the night

Namjoon- jimin, stay out of this.. this is between me and my hybrid.

jimin mugged him and i rolled my eyes

Mochi- oh??? so now im your hybrid?? you've been tossing me to the side for that witch this whole time and now that i decide to leave you care.

Jimin- what?? witch?? namjoon what is she talking about.

He ran his hand down his face.

Namjoon- look jimin she's met chloe a few times and-


what i didn't know was the guys had met chloe on several occasions when visiting namjoon before i came along. they didn't really like her. she's tried to force her way into their friend group and often made everything about her and or tried to get namjoon to herself.

Namjoon- yes but...

Jimin- NO!! what the fuck are you doing hanging with her anyway!?

Mochi- they're seeing each other... she says rude things to me every chance she gets and namjoon never defends me. he just lets her.

jimin lets go of me and walks over to namjoon slapping him in the face.

Jimin- dammit namjoon... i'm sick of this bullshit.. this ends now. tae go wait for me in my room.

tae hugs me then goes running back to jimin's room closing the door behind me.

here we sat on jimin's couch with him in between us.

Jimin- tell her...

he said looking at me with a firm mug.

i scratched behind my neck as i watched mochi's ear twitch and her look everywhere but my eyes.

Namjoon- i...i don't know what your talking about

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