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I watched as Chloe kissed namjoon on his cheek and he waved her goodbye, as he closed the door missing the stank look she threw my way.

Its been 2 weeks since what happened in the lobby and to say i hated my life was an understatement.

Joon and chloe, they're going out more frequently and it seemed they had entered the talking stage. They weren't dating but definitely exclusive.

I never failed to catch the rude looks she'd throw my way, I remember the first time i had an actual conversation with her

She stopped by to wait for namjoon to get ready for one of their lunch dates and mugged me the whole time

"Chloe meet Mochi"

I held my breath. Her scent really bothered me. But to be kind i held out my hand. Instead she mugged me tilting her head to the side before looking at my long tail that swayed annoyingly as my ears were covered by a beanie i was wearing

"so what is she....like one of those weird furry people?"

she asked

i was a little taken back at the fact that she one, hadn't shaken my hand and two. Asked a question while throwing an obvious insult instead of just speaking to me directly.

namjoon chuckled nervously scratching his neck

"Uhhh no.. she's a hybrid. Its a person whose genetics are split between animal and human.There's lots of them around the world. She happens to be a cat hybrid."

i watched as he explained to her putting my hand back down.

"ohh?? so she's like your pet?"

before i could speak he spoke up

"No...definitely not. She's my roommate"

apart of me already knew that but it heart hearing him say it out loud.

she smiled at him sending goggly eyes.

"Oh good. Im allergic to cats so as long as she keeps her distance i'm fine."

my mouth flew open at how she talked towards me. I watched as namjoon's eyebrows creased he was obviously a bit confused at her response but didn't defend me in any way.

i turned around walking away, Namjoon called out to me to let me know that they were leaving but i didn't look back just went into my room and closed the door. Its been hard to be around him lately with her scent lingering all over him. if he thought i was avoiding him before. i was definitely dodging him now.

Walking into my room hunched over at the sharp pain that went thru my stomach. i knew my heat was soon. I needed to remove myself from this place. She's always around now and even with the suppressants i'm sure i'll get very territorial.

i walked over to my closet pulling out a duffle bag and packed some closed.

It sucks that things are the way they are now. Some nights i even think about just leaving. Its not like he could track me down and bring me back. He took me in off the street unlike tae and kookie who were both legally adopted from a shelter. But part of me believes that if i ran away he wouldn't even care enough to want me back.

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