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I sat on the couch reading a book. I was up very early because i had a paper due that needed a few finishing touches. Afterwards i began reading up on a new book that was assigned. We had lost of fun yesterday and the guys stayed pretty late.

Fixing my glasses on my face i looked up seeing Mochi walk down the hall. Her tail swaying as she yawned. She wore very tiny shorts and a large hoodie that belonged to me. She actually refused to return it.

after rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she walked over to me pulling my head into her chest kissing the side of my head.

i froze my face turning pink. 

i placed my hand on her arm

Namjoon- how did you sleep? You're up early this morning.

She groaned slightly pulling away.

Mochi- i couldn't go back to sleep after you left. I thought you'd only go to the bathroom and come back to me but i was wrong.

i could tell she was pouting as she walked into the kitchen.. i assumed to get some milk.

I mumbled a soft sorry and kept reading... so distracted by my book i didn't hear all the noise she was making in the kitchen.. soon a wonderful smell filled my nose. I sat down my book and was taking off my glasses when she walked into the living room with two plates full of food.

My mouth watered.

Namjoon- thank you mochi

i went to take the plate but she moved it away from me

i looked at her confused until i noticed she'd puckered her lips.

My mind went blank and i scratched the back of my head.

Namjoon- i....u-uh? Do you want a kiss?

she nodded

i chuckled giving her a quick peck before taking the plate and i watched her ears lay flat on her head as she pout.

i watched as she curled next to me and ate not saying much. She was usually talkative when we were alone.... i wonder why she made me kiss her...

thats new. Normally she just sits on my lap at random times...

I can't help but think about what jin was telling me yesterday... could i really have feelings for her. Isn't that wrong?? I'm not sure how to feel. Plus i genuinely don't think she likes me that way. Im convinced she just thinks she does because how she she's the rest of the guys act with their hybrids.

I don't want her to like me because she thinks she's supposed to ..... I just want her to be attracted to me because of me....

aishhh what am i even thinking..

I should go shower... standing up i grabbed our dirty dishes as her eyes stayed locked on the tv. She didn't seem upset but something about her seemed off.

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