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I fumbled with the keys as i swung my apartment door open... On the way back i ran into Chloe in the lobby and she tried to hold a conversation with me but i felt very uncomfortable sitting and talking with her while holding a bag full of sex toys

Ending the convo short i made it back home and thats all that matters. as i swung the door back i took a deep breath dropping the bag on the living room floor only to look up and see two cats running around my home like crazy...

yoongi was hissing and swatting at Mochi who kept chasing him and pushing her ass in his face, her tail was up and her private was on wide displace

Namjoon- what the hell is going on here???

yoongi came running to me and jumped in my arms onto my shoulders...i watched as mochi shifted and walked over to us.. yoongi jumped off my shoulders before shifting at standing beside me

Yoongi- thank godddd your back. She was napping in her cat form then she woke up in pain and naturally started offering herself to me..


she ran into me hugging me and yoongi laughed backing away with his hands in the air

i yelped when her little arms tightened around my waist and she began to dry hump my legs  slowly.

Namjoon- oh god no..please no

reaching over and digging thru the bag yoongi was now looking thru, I grabbed a set of hand cuffs. Forcing her arms off me i hand cuffed her then pushed her onto the couch after making sure they were tight enough on her wrist.

she wiggled her body around whining.

as yoongi pats my shoulder

Yoongi- yea... good luck with that.. those flimsy things will only hold her for so long

Namjoon- huh? bu-

i went to speak but someone knocked on the door... i opened it and Jin walked in

yoongi- thats my que.

he grabbed his things walking to the door as i hugged jin who looked over on the couch frowning

Jin- poor baby

i nodded scratching the back of my head

Namjoon- yeah. hey wheres jk?

Jin- oh he's in the car... i was honestly scared to bring him up and he see Mochi in this position. He's very fond of her and i'd hate for him to be sad for the remainder of the day.. I can never get him to eat when he's sad

Yoongi- Oh shit and i get to eat Jin's cooking? fuck yea!

we heard him say as he walked out the door me and jin laughed and i bid him good before closing the door and locking it..

turning around mochi was on the couch knocked out.

"aww she tired herself out"

Good. now lets get things in order.

Grabbing all the toys out the bag i took them out of the boxes and placed them on her bed... Jhope said during heat my scent will help so i walked into my room grabbing a hoodie i fell asleep in and walked back into the living room. I unlocked the hand cuffs and put the hoodie on her real slow. I didn't want to wake her. picking her up i placed her on her bed before getting the jug of water i bought and putting it on her desk in her room..

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