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I woke up to  something heavy on my chest.

looking down i was met with a sleeping mochi who had some how tangled her body with mine. Her warm breath up against my neck wasn't helping my morning wood. Normally it wasn't a problem because she was in cat form and normally slept on my chest up. 

but now.... this might be a serious concern... i should clear out the second bedroom of my art supplies and set her up a room. Her hard nipples pressed up against my chest thru the large shirt she was wearing. underneath only a pair of my boxers since we hadn't been able to get her any clothes yet. I went to push her to the side some but she whined and held me closer, her legs moving and she slightly brush up against my hard on.

I groaned and she began to shuffle a little

Mochi- joonie?

she mumbled causing my heart to melt. 

she has a nickname for me now?

Namjoon- mochi i need you to get up i have to use the bathroom

Mochi- no, die.

she mumbled squeezing me harder

i was shocked but a part of me couldn't help but laugh.. before everyone left last night jhope told me that mochi reminded him a lot of yoongi, her mannerisms and all. He said he wasn't trying to say all cats were the same and them being hybrids made them extremely different. However he felt that the Way she responded and reacted to things could mean that she came from a similar background as yoongi. He gave me a few tips.

but honestly i was already fucked in general. I would now be living with a girl. and not just some little girl. A hot grown ass woman. I was horrible when it came to women, I couldn't take a hint. read the signs, whatever it is you want to call it. So i knew it was gonna take several tries and many errors to get things right and comfortable living with a girl. Let alone one i found extremely attractive.

I rubbed her back thinking about how fun it would be to have someone else in the house tho. an actual person. The guys always said there was never a dull moment and it made waking up each day better.

i felt her tail rub up against my foot and she began purring.

Namjoon- Mochi.. we have to get ready

she groaned and i stirred around trying to move some.... my morning wood long gone by now. i'm just grateful she never noticed.

i tickled her and she yelped and began moving around i laughed as she tried her hardest to lock my arms in place but she was too weak from laughing to get a good grip. before i knew it she jumped up, both legs on each side of my waist and shoved her hand onto my neck giving it a slight squeeze causing me to gasp and freeze

Mochi- i will kill you, if you ever wake me up like that again

i smiled at her childish remark but couldn't help but get hard at the position we were in and how firm her grip was on my neck.

okay so i might liked to be choked a little here and there sue me....

Her tail flicked and she tilted her head to the side sniffing the air...her eyes darted to my private area which she was sitting directly on top of.

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