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I was wrong... i was so wrong... i don't have everything under control

I was currently chasing a annoyed cat around my room... I told her she needed to be bathed before the guys come back over and she freaked out and shifted into her cat form. i closed the door so quick locking it. and now she running around like a mad man trying to escape from me.

I backed her into a corner

Namjoon- Mochi.... please please bare with me ok. it won't be that bad

she hissed at me and swung her paw as i tried to touch her.... i knew this was gonna happen. i called jhope and hour ago and asked how yoongi was when it came to bathing when he first found him and he said he was a reck.

he freaked out and the only thing that got him to calm down was hobi being in the tub with him. Now that he understands the concept of bathing in his human form he showers by himself.

I really hoped it wouldn't come down to that tho. Hobi and yoongi are both men she's a female.

her eyes stayed sharp as she watched me, now squeezed into a little ball in the corner.

aww my little mochi

i sat in front of her...

Namjoon- oka look.... can i at least teach you how to brush your teeth properly. 

she tilted her head at me almost as if she was making some smart remark... i could tell her she was in deep thought so taking the chance i swooped her up pulling her into my chest.

she hissed trying to get away but i walked her into my bathroom locking the door behind us.

she leaped from my chest onto the bathroom counter

i walked over to the tub turning on the water and made sure it was warm before putting the plug in so it would feel up the tub.

I sat back on the toilet facing the tub and before i knew it i felt a few smacks to the back of my head causing me to gasped and turn to her who had narrowed eyes staring me down

Namjoon- MOCHI!!! did you just hit me?

Yeah bitch i did, and what!?   she said back although he couldn't hear her

his eyes softened and he smiled trying not to break into full blown laughter.

Namjoon lowered himself to her level.

Namjoon- okay how about this.... I'll get in with you and show you how its done okay. I promise washing in your human form isn't all that bad.. the water may still bother you but not nearly as much as it would in your cat form. You just need to be clean that all.

she groaned....

he turned around to stop the water when he felt a tug on his shirt.

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