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。 🎀 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 🎀 。

I rolled around on the couch giggling at the text Yoongi was sending me. A part of me thought he was going to reject me all those days ago. It's not common for cats to really get along. Most of the time we just live in the same space and tolerate each other but it seemed he's taken me under his wing.

He was telling me how he got Hobi all flustered this morning. He'd accidentally spilt coffee on his work sheets and it led to hobi going on a full rant. yoongi said he could tell it was more than just the papers bothering him. he'd obviously been stressed out do to uni and everything going on

As a way to help hobi release his stress yoongi simply offered to fuck him. He said it caught hobi by surprise and he turned completely red. Yoongi mentioned this wasn't the first time he'd done this and that he enjoyed getting jhope all worked up. it was like some inside joke of his own.

I looked up in the corner of my screen checking the time. It seemed late and namjoon should be here soon. I quickly replied to Kookie's text. he sent me a photo of something he had drawn today.

getting up i rushed to my room and grabbed some clothes.. Namjoon doesn't know but.. i actually really loved my room. I always hung out in it when he left me alone... It just doesn't smell like him as much as i'd like it to.

He had a very comforting scent and i enjoyed all those times he'd stop to pet me or hang with me a while, taking selfies when he went to get his mail. He really was the only person i clung to out of all the people i met in this building. 

That day when i followed him back to his apartment wasn't planned in any way. I simply couldn't get enough of his scent. I thought if i walk him home i'd feel better hanging around him for a little bit longer.

He was on the phone but that was fine. I didn't need his attention on me, just needed to be near him. But what i wasn't expecting was him to open the door for me. I looked up making sure he really meant it and when he said "yes" my legs moved on their own

I don't really trust humans. they haven't been so good to me in the past. However The few times i had ran into his friends before he adopted me i could faintly smell the scents of other hybrids. 

So i took a shot. i'm happy with where i am now, but a part of me will always be on the look out for anything that gives me a reason to go running for the hills. 

Finding clothes i went and showered. I liked showers more than baths because i could avoid getting my tell completely drenched. My nerves always went haywire when it got soaked. But i enjoyed baths when namjoon was involved. He normally distracted me from the thought

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