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Ending song- BTS: Home

I sat at the table bored out of my mind. Chloe sat across from me next to Namjoon... I know what your all thinking..

"You let that stupid bitch sit next to your man!?"

But truth is i'll make sure this is the last time she'll be seeing him so i'm really not worried. What im more worried about is loverboy on the side of me 


the same Nate i met at the mall with Yoongi and Hobi.

When we made it to the lobby and he saw me he came running over to me pulling into a hug. Namjoon was not very happy about it but i didn't speak on it much. It was refreshing to see him jealous for a change.

Chloe talked up a storm always tried to be the main center of attention while her sleazebag of a brother hawk eye'd every hybrid in this place. It's clear he fetishizes them. He has absolutely no game either. the amount of times he's tried to throw a corner pick up line my way is damn near insulting. 

i also haven't missed all the glares namjoon has sent him from across the table but he's remained silent about it as always.

i was picking up food with my fork thinking about what i wanted to watch when i got home, when a fork came into view, Full of salmon and Nates voice spoke on the side of my face.

Nate-  here Mochi, try this. I see you got the baked chicken but they really did something with the salmon today.

sitting my fork back down i turned to face him some.... i stared at him for a moment... he smiled slightly before pushing the fork over to me more.

Nate- come on... i know i haven't had the best impression on you, but your really cool. I'd like to at least be friends if its at all possible.

he shrugged his shoulders and i could see his ears turning red. I was thinking when i felt someone step on my foot... not too hard but enough to knock me out of deep thought. Looking over i noticed Chloe talking namjoon's head off but his eyes pierced mine, he slightly shook his head.

Then a thought came to my head, Why not have a lil fun with this.

I leaned into Nate's fork while holding his wrist to keep it steady and bit into the salmon, while locking eyes with namjoon.

Before pulling away and doing an exaggerated moan.

Mochi- Gosh you're right that is really good. maybe next time i'll get the salmon

Nate- n...next time?

i pouted giving him the big eyes i do to namjoon

Mochi- oh? i thought we were friends now? do you not want to hang out with me again?

Nate- NO! no. i mean of course i want to!

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