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I sat on the couch trying to concentrate on my novel but Mochi kept crawling up to my face in her cat form.

She still had about a day or two left in her heat and she was being very clingy. 

I couldn't act like it bothered me too much. I was very happy with my current situation. i got the girl i've been wanting for a while. she's finally mine. Although i cant call her my girlfriend because i haven't asked her out officially yet.

that didn't matter.... she was mine and i was her's.

Namjoon- mochi please, I'm trying to read

she meowed softly and huffed throwing herself backwards onto my chest before spreading out and rubbing her back all over me.

i will say, I see more of yoongi in her every day. I'm so happy with life now. she took Tae and Jk in like they are her little pups and her and yoongi cause trouble together.

i smirked at the thought now fully distracted from my book. she crawled up my chest once more and rubbed her head into my neck some. i shivered a bit when she purred into my ear.

picking her up i placed her on the couch next to me. Looking down at her i watched as she stared back at me tilting her head to the side.

Namjoon- it's time for lunch soon yea? How about i make us something??

she screeched and went sprinting into her room. most likely to put on some clothes.

I chuckled shaking my head ... works every time.

My cooking isn't even that bad.

sitting my book down i stood up and stretched as the doorbell rung.

hmmm.... maybe the guys came over to check on us??? We've been her all week.

walking over to the door i opened it to be met with chloe..

i frowned.. i haven't spoken to her since that day in the hallway.

Namjoon- chloe? what are you doing here??

Chloe- Hi namjoon, It's been a while and im really sorry for how things went down the last time we spoke. I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me.

i frowned even more about to speak but she spoke up.

Chloe- i...i can even bring my brother with us. He's still visiting me so...

before i could reply i felt small hands on my back 

Mochi- Joonie?

Turning around mochi was standing there her butterfly locs flowing down her back with an oversized shirt on. I had no doubt that she was wearing those small boy shorts i loved under...

Namjoon- mo-mochi

i stuttered my eyes locked in on her legs. we sat starring at each other. 

a cough brung us out of our stare down we both turned our heads back to the girl standing in our doorway.

mochi narrowed her eyes at her, and i placed my hand on her stomach pushing her back behind me some afraid she'd pounce on chloe.

Namjoon- im sorry what were you saying again?

i honestly forgot she was even here.

Chloe- i asked if you wanted to join me and my brother for lunch.

Namjoon- uh... im sorry but i don't think -

Mochi- yeah we'd love to.

Both me and chloe looked at her shocked

Mochi- I'll go change now

she said walking away not leaving us a chance to answer

i watched her as she walked away.

Namjoon- oh... okay well we'll meet you downstairs in a few. 

and with that i closed the door in her face.

Lord mochi.... what am i gonna do with you.

"Did she really think i was gonna let namjoon go anywhere alone with her??? she has another thing coming.."

Something quick....just a lite chapter*************


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