Rents Due~ Preview~

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Thanks for reading my book "ANTI Kitten" Here is a glimpse of my new book "Rent's Due" a Wonho fanfic

Rents Due - available now on my page

: I just don't understand why you have to get all dolled up... we're literally going to rob someone.

i said annoyed

she huffed running a hand through her hair.

Crystal: you'd never understand jas.

she said shaking her head... I mugged the bed balling my fist up... i was tired of her always talking down on me like i was ill minded or couldn't comprehend.

Crsytal: Look i figured after tonight why not go out and have fun you know? treat myself. after we do the job we split it 50/50 and I'd go to the club. think of it as a celebration of finally getting out of this dumb. I promise to come right back after i've had my fun

she smiled weakly at me thru her lashes.

i rolled my eyes. I had no intentions on staying around her anymore if tonight went well. I made that clear to myself yesterday while she was napping at star bucks. If i really wanted to change my life i had to remove her and anyone or thing from it that caused bad habits or brought around negative energy.

i scuffed.

Me: fine do what you want... your playing it loose and thats none of my business.

i huffed snatching my ipod off of the charger

she stuck her head out the bathroom.

Crsytal: Loose?? i don't think so. i go to the club often.. thank you very much.

she said in a matter or fact type of way.

Me: Yeah you also go to the club dead broke. which you wont be tonight if all goes well. Do what you want because we all know you will either way. But if you get caught or if someone robs your you, don't come crying back to me. I won't share my half and im not doing another job like this one again.

she was always flashing the things she didn't have or show boating every time she got something new... i just hoped she knew how to Stash away her money safely. I wasn't going to be the one to teach her.

Crystal: uhghhh stop with the nagging jazzy. Don't be such a downer... tonights a big night for us... at least try to be happy.

she said walking in the room throwing a hoodie over her tube top and small shorts. bending down she tied her dirty air force ones.

grabbing my duffle i looked around the room checking to see if i had left anything... lord knows i don't plan on returning. I took a deep breath before following her out of the door.

Glimpse #2:

Namjoon: Oh shush it's really not that bad.

Me: oh easy for you to say your a fucking criminal.

he frowned

Namjoon: hey watch it! i came into the game the same way as you, i needed a place. a place to call home....and he gave it to me. Only difference is i didn't get caught stealing from him to get the job.

He smacked his lips as he pushed the down button in the elevator.

i frowned

Me: im sorry....

i said looking down at my feet.

Me: that came out wrong... i didn't mean to make you out to be a bad person.

he huffed before facing me in the elevator.

Namjoon: Look jasmine... not everyone can have a perfect and honest life. So you have to make do with what you have. You should know better than anyone.

I nodded... he was correct

Namjoon: I've learned to deal with my past and my demons. Just because people aren't class A citizens with clean records doesn't mean they're bottom tier scum either. Try not to judge or dig too deep into why we live this lifestyle... everyone's story is different. Either way... we're a family here under Wonho... Sooner you'll except us the sooner life will turn around for you.

i played with my shirt sleeve... he wasn't wrong.

before i could say anything the elevator door opened and we excited. getting in his range we listened to the music playing lightly before something caught my eye at a red light.

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