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Everyone's head turned to mochi as she walked out of namjoon's room

Jungkook-  MOCHI BEAR!!

he screamed latching onto her causing her to hiss and fall onto the couch with him clutched to her side.

I cringed at the weird nickname he gave her... but it was jungkook so i guess it was okay.

i watched as tae stood still waiting patiently for her to allow him to show his affection for her his tail wagging hard as he whined some.

Jin- wow i've gotta say i'm surprised she's still in one piece. I thought namjoon would Kill her by accident or something.

Jhope- he is pretty clumsy i too was a bit worried.

Jimin- Nonsense i thought by now he'd break her in half with his dic-

he smirked but quickly frowned when jin smacked the back of his head.

i coughed mugging jimin who only smirked at me in return. jungkook released mochi and tae went to latch onto her but yoongi hissed at him scarring the poor pup back into jimin's as we all watched as yoongi got up sitting next to mochi.

they eye'd each other closely. and her tail began to flick...his eyes caught wind of her tail and he leaned in some to sniff her but her body went stiff and she backed away a bit. he tilted his head at her before scooting a bit closer to her she looked him up and down before he brought his face all the way up to her's and they just stared trying to see who'd make the next move.

i cocked my brow looking over at hobi who was smiling and recording.


a part of me doesn't like Yoongi being too close to her.... i mean he is a cat hybrid but i don't like him being so close to my mochi. with the pups they are fine.. practically harmless but him...

aishh what am i saying... how could i be jealous over a cat.... wait... am i jealous? wdf no namjoon what are you thinking.

i looked up when i heard cooing sounds and "awws"

to see mochi sitting on yoongi's lap as he nuzzled his head into hers and she purred.

My eye twitched and it took everything in me not to march up to them and snatched them apart.

i nudged hobi who looked away from them at me

Namjoon- dude?? what the fuck is going on

Jhope- ohh yoongi is claiming her

My eyes widen and i stood up 

Namjoon- HE'S WHA-

jhope pulled me down quickly before i could get too loud

Jhope- Not that kind of claim dude... it's more like welcoming her into his life or taking her under his wing. 

I looked at him weird i still didn't understand

and he could tell

Jhope- Okay you know how bunnies chin the new bunny to show acceptance... like rubs its chin on the new one to show..."its mine now" "this is my kid" type of thing...

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