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2 months have passed since the boys found out they had hybrids and everything has been hectic since.

it was all fun tho. their days seemed more eventful and less dull with the hybrids around and they honestly wouldn't change anything if they could. Both pups now had their own phones and the guys helped them make a separate group chat just for the hybrids which yoongi immediately put on mute since jungkook and tae spammed it so much.

yoongi also refused to share his number with any of the guys besides namjoon who he had convos with here and there. Yoongi was an all around good guy, Much of an acquired taste who the guys grew to really love.

Namjoon groaned..... his face felt heavy and he felt like he was being suffocated.

this was an everyday thing for him. 

His longed fingers reached up and gripped the grey feline that took shelter on his face literally.

Dragging her down to his chest where she quickly crawled up into his neck nuzzling herself there.

Namjoon- Mochi please... i bought you a bed for a reason.

but the cat ignored his words content with her spot cuddled up to his neck.

thats right he named you mochi.... nothing about you really reminded you of the korean snack besides your attitude.

he wasn't so sure about bring the hybrids around you but he'd let his 3 besties visit on several occasions over the month who were very surprised and happy namjoon had taken you in.

On a few occasions jhope had mentioned how your attitude resembled yoongi's. You're slightly hard on the outside but really a huge softy on the inside. Which is what prompted namjoon to give you that name.

you weren't the biggest fan of jimin. and you didn't mind jhope who gave you space and new not to push your boundaries. You used to like jin but for some reason you weren't really drawn to him as much as you were before namjoon took you in. You were also very snappy. You'd get attitudes and talk back to namjoon on several occasion.

although he couldn't understand a word you were saying you made sure to have the last word in every argument and he let you.

leaning up some he looked around his bedroom floor for your bed before finding it and placing it near his pillow. he nudged you towards it and you hissed smacking it off the bed just like every time.

Namjoon- Mochi please... i can't keep waking up with you sleeping on my face.

You begged to differ and wasn't changing your mind anytime soon.

he sat up stretching before sliding out from under his covers.... you watched as he opened his room door walking out. Not bothered by the sudden disappearance you snuggled back into his pillow

before your head snapped up at the sound of your bowl clinking


sitting up you stretched and jogged out of the room where you saw him placing the bowl on the island counter. he patted the counter giving you permission and you jumped up walking over to the bowl filled with milk

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