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I hummed putting my key into the lock turning it i heard a commotion. Looking up as i opened the door a happy Mochi jumped into my arms

i stumbled back a bit dropping my backpack next to me. Kicking the door close with my foot.

Namjoon- Mochi, Baby your in a good mood.

Today was the last day of her heat, she had been doing well with the pills and i felt much better seeing her up and moving around the house. She'd also become very attached to me. I wasn't really complaining but it would take some getting used to. I was still shy about what took place that night. 

Mean while mochi was such a carefree girl and out in the open. I can't count how many times my face went red throughout the week because of her saying random things with no filter like it was normal.

I also wasn't used to a girl throwing themselves  all over me constantly. I was weird with girls. They normally sat around waiting for me to take their hints but i either didn't notice or was too shy to make a move which resulted in a long waiting game before she eventually broke and would approach me.

So you can imagine how caught off guard i'd be when mochi would randomly plop into my lap on her phone while i read books on the couch or take sips from my cup when i sat it down.

Mochi- Suga is taking me to the mall, we're hanging out together today. 

I frowned placing her down tossing my keys on the coffee table. Uni had beat my ass today.

Namjoon- Who....who is suga??

Mochi- oh yoongi... don't tell him i called him that. he said thats Hobi's special name for him. It's a secret.

she said shimmying in place... she had way too much energy. But that was a good thing... she'd been drained all week. I'm happy my baby girl was back to normal.

Tomorrow was Saturday. 

Namjoon- oka well. have fun at the mall, Make sure your phone is charged before you go. I trust yoongi and know he'll look after you.

she jumped up and down her boobs bouncing slightly in her tight tank top. I sighed before man spreading and tossing my head back on the couch trying not to let the sight get to me.

Mochi- Jooniiieeeeee

she dragged and i rubbed my hand down my face not looking at her... she only did that when she wanted something and i knew if i looked her in the eyes i'd fold before i even know what she was asking for.

Namjoon- what?

Mochi- can i spend the night with Yoongi at Hobi's tonight?

i frowned, my eyes still closed as i sat for a minute.

Namjoon- hmmm... i don't know.

Mochi- Pleaseeeee!!!!???

I groaned when i felt her sit on my lap. There was never a warning when she did that or anything of clear indication that it was about to happen. She was so random, which was another reason why i enjoyed her company.

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