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"Omg your soooo cute!!!!!" Jhope screamed squishing the cheeks of the now clothed taehyung who sat on the couch smiling at all the affection he was receiving from the lad.

namjoon squinted his eyes at this interaction. out of everyone jhope seemed to be the least shocked and it concerned namjoon.

Jin- i just don't understand how this is real? where did you even come from

Tae shrugged

Tae- i'm not really sure... But there's more of us out there in the world... we mostly just run around in our animal form since its much safer for us... well. not safer but the odds are better.

Jimin- the odds are better?

Tae nodded

Tae- people like to hurt us and do bad things to us... most of us used to be in this big lab but it was burned down

Jin gasped

Jimin- Well your safe now... i won't let anything happen to you..

Jhope- hey.. an now yoongi has a friend

Jin- what!? Jungkook's still here you know

jin said offended and rubbed the head of jungkook who rested in his lap.

jhope frowned in deep thought before speaking

Jhope- No.... thats not what i meant by tha-

i cut him off

Namjoon- hobi.... You don't seem at all shaken up by these events... not even a little phased?

he looked my way wide eyes as everyone stared at him.. before scratching the back of his neck,

Jhope- oh....well thats because i already knew about hybrids.

"YOU WHAT!!!!???"

everyone in the room screamed causing tae to whine covering his ears and jungkook to jump scared

Jimin- what the hell hobi how could you know hybrids existed the whole time and said nothing

jhope- i kind of made a promise i wouldn't

i frowned

Namjoon- a promise!? and just who did you make this promise to?

jimin frowned nodding his head aggressively.

jhope played with his fingers before mumbling

Jhope- yoongi

Jin- YOONGI!!!!!!

Jimin- oh my god don't tell me yoongi's a hybrid too?

jhope nodded

Namjoon- all this time!!??? what made you keep a promise like that!!!

he sighed..

Jhope- i needed to earn his trust. I found him by accident 2 years ago.  i was walking home and he was in his human form getting beat up by two punks. i chased them off and tried to help him but he rejected my help at first and i noticed his ears and tail. He wouldn't let me get too close but i couldn't just leave him there. not in that condition so i brought him home. he fought me on that a bit. I told him he could stay with me. But at the time i wasn't leaving on my own yet.

i nodded .. two years ago we were all seniors in high school. now we are in our second year in uni.

Jhope- I convinced him to stay with me in his cat form... and i promised to look after him. he tried to leave several times but i just grew too attached to him being there. He thought after high school i'd kick him out or leave him with my parents but i kept my promise and brought him with me when i moved out. We had rules when i first brought him home with me that night to help us settle into leaving together he made two rules at the time "don't touch him" and "don't tell anyone he's a hybrid". so i didn't. Now we've grown a lot closer and he's told me bits and details about his life before i found him.

Jin's mouth hung open taking everything in

Jin- awwwww thats so cool

Jimin- but.... its okay that you told us now right?? We've been around yoongi lots of times. He trusts us right?

jhope shrugged his shoulders

Jhope- Honestly i'm not sure.. he isn't a really big fan of you all. well except namjoon.

i smirked 


i chuckled... i mean what can i say... i'm just that guy-

Jhope- he thinks namjoon is slow....

my smirk dropped at his words and i gasped

Jin started laughing really hard his face turned red.

i shook my head 

Namjoon- dude..not cool

Jimin- wait ... so how is it like living with a hybrid? do you think i could handle it?

tae squished himself into jimin

jhope- oh yeah you'll love it. knowing you, you'll be attached in a week. it's like having a best friend and a mini clone all in one.

jimin squealed bouncing around with tae who mimicked his actions.

Jhope- yeah whenever my parents weren't home yoongi would shift and follow me around cluelessly. I had to teach him how to shower and all these random things it was cool because he seemed so fascinated like everything was a new discovery. now his favorite thing to do is to listen to knew music i bought him a phone and these cool headphones he practically never takes them off.. and he's always showing me some new song he found or a cool beat his listening too.

i listened as jungkook jumped into my lap and i pet him

Jin- awwwww!!! now i feel left out!! i wished i had a hybrid

jungkook ears perked up and tae pulled away from jimin tilting his head to the side

Tae- i don't understand.. do you not like jungkookie??

jin sighed

Jin- i do.. but you all just make this sound like such a heart warming experience

tae frowned about to speak but jimin cut him off

Jimin- tae tae... what took you so long to tell me you were a hybrid? i've had you a little over two months?

Tae- oh... i had to be sure i could trust you.. i didn't want you to freak out or give me back to the shelter and after you snuggled me today and told me you loved me... i just got so happy that i couldn't wait any longer.. i'm sorry kookie

he pouted looking over at jungkook.....everyone froze and slowly turned to look at the dog in question who was sitting in my lap.

Jin- t....tae.... why did you say sorry to jungkook?

jhope and jimin stared at my lap eyes wide and i froze

Tae- well last time the 4 of us hung out me and kookie agreed to tell you guys together but i had forgot

Jhope- oh lord

Jimin- NO WAY!!

Jin- wait so what your saying is tha-

in the snap of an eye a large boy was sitting in my lap "OOF"

i said at the extra weight before shrieking do to the fact that he was completely naked

"TAEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! why'd you rat me out i wasn't ready yet"

what the fuck......


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