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I watched as her room door closed in shock..... i've never seen her enter her bedroom so fast before in my life.

i raised an eyebrow when i finally registered that it was her room she ran into instead of mine.....

Hmmm... Maybe i stink?? 

I'm still sweaty after all. I should eat quickly so i can shower. My mouth watered at the plate she had put together for me along with the drink.. She was truly a perfect......

Actually i'm not sure what to say... a perfect roommate?? could i call her my friend??

Which ever... she's definitely the best..... I wonder what type of wife or girlfriend she'd make someone one day. thats if she ever plans on being with someone or finding love..


what am i ever thinking.. i shook my head as i stuffed my face with her delicious creations and rushed to my bathroom to take a nice long shower.

I frowned when i realize she was still in her own room after i had gotten out of the shower....I thought by now she'd be in my room waiting on me right? but i guess i was wrong. checking my phone i realized it was late.. Maybe she wanted to sleep in her own room tonight??

I should be happy right??

Maybe i should go check on her anyway

I walked into her room and saw her sleep with her phone held tightly in her hands.... I closed the door and went back to my room... a part of me sad that i wont have her cuddled up to my chest tonight but i ignore my thoughts and go back to my room going to sleep.

I tossed and turned through out the night, never thought it would be this hard to fall asleep on my own... guess i got to used to her being with me.

I sat on the couch, i had just showered and hand something to eat, I decided to stay in my room all morning and wait until namjoon went off to his university. the conversation i had with yoongi still heavy on my mind.

Last night he came home smelling like some random woman and it really bothered me. But i was too scared to talk about it so i ran from the issue. Apart of me was scared he'd laugh in my face

tell me i was dumb for even finding a problem with it since he's not mine and i'm not his. For all i know he could just see me as his pet cat and nothing more. Even the thought of that just breaks my heart. But i shouldn't get my hopes up. I learned that with humans i trusted in the past. 

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