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I woke up to someone lifting me into the air. I groaned wiggling around, i opened my eyes lightly as i fell back onto the bed before hearing the person smack their lips.

Namjoon- Mochi don't start okay, come on its time for breakfast. 

he leaned down to pick me up again and i swatted his hand away before making a run for his pillows, if i could just slide under them he'd leave me alone and let me sleep longer.

I squealed when i felt a grip on my tail. soon i was being dragged down the bed

Namjoon- Gotcha

Holding me tightly to his chest he walked out the room and i frowned my tail flicking slowly. I was already agitated. the minute he sat me down i was gonna make a run for the bed. Just watch he'd see.

suddenly i raised my head when i smelled a familiar scent, i felt namjoon's breath on the back of my ear as he chuckled watching my head snap around trying to find the owner of the scent

walking into the living room i saw yoongi sitting on the couch in his cat form.. it was the first time i'd seen it. He was an all white cat with grey spots all over him. i squealed and leaped out of namjoon's hold running to the couch and jumping on him...

i jumped around him tapping his head in excitement 


i said thru our mind link since we couldn't actually talk in cat form

Calm down mochi

he groaned but i pouted tapping his face some with my paw and he swatted at me

aww.. yoong bugs did you miss me?

he hissed at me


he said

No! you love it

Namjoon- well i guess i'm just not here anymore huh?

i could hear the annoyance in his voice as he walked into the kitchen but i payed him no mind as i chased around yoongi's tail that flicked... he was no doubt getting bothered by me

before i knew it he jumped up tackling me onto my back bitting at my neck


i laughed wiggling out of his grip and snuggling up to him. and he groaned. before relaxing into me letting me groom him.

soon namjoon  walked over to the couch with two plates setting them down on the coffee table. I pulled away from yoongi causing him to open his eyes. i stared at the plate tilting my head to the side.

the food looked good... but something just doesn't feel right

namjoon scuffed at me.

Namjoon- i didn't cook it, its take out. I let you guys sleep in. just eat

ohhhh okay...

don't get me wrong i'd be grateful for anything.. but i learned first had that namjoon does not belong in anyones kitchen, not even his own.

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