Chapter 37

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So I see that you guys still remember this story and are supporting and encouraging me. I love reading each and every comment and dm. I even love replying to them, but this one person once commented that half number of the comments on my chapters are the replies I give to you all. LOL. That's why I stopped replying.

So let us see how many actual comments I get on my chapters.


Adria's POV:

"You had no right Austin Damon Hawk. You had no right to treat my sister like that. Rather you have no right to treat any girl like that. I was living in hell with my father. I used to get raped every day. My own father sent men to me so that he could make money out of it. My own father let his men beat and rape me just to vent out his anger. But I took everything just to keep my mother safe. When my mother died the last hope keeping me alive was that somewhere out there my sister is living a happy life. It was the only reason I could sleep peacefully some nights", she cried at Austin's face. My mind went numb and my knees weak after listening to her. I can't even imagine what all she has endured. How could a father do this to his own daughter?

I sat on the chair no longer able to stand up. All she said chilled my bones. It was too much for me to take. While dad kept me away from all the cruelty of this world, my sister was suffering through the hand of our biological father. Why god why? What bad did I and my family do to suffer so much? What bad did my mother do that she died without even receiving a proper goodbye from her daughters? What bad did Andrea do she had to go through all those horrible things.

"Throughout my life I hated men. My father, his goons, all the guys who paid to sleep with me and treated me like shit, all the guys who came to my father's brothel while their wives waited for them at home. I thought all men are bastards. My mom used to tell me good things about Edward but I never met him. I hated men, but when you entered my life I thought that not all men are bad. Maybe I am just the unlucky woman to face only the bad ones. But just because of you I believed that there is still some guy who will love me, who will protect me and make me feel safe. Who is different from other men. But you proved me wrong", she said. Her voice filled with disappointment and hurt.

She was crying all the time. I wanted to hug her and tell her how sorry I was that she went through so much. But my body was frozen. I just couldn't move.

"I thought you saved us, Austin. But now after knowing everything I feel that I am out of one hell and trapped in another", she cried. All the while Austin said nothing. He stood there like a statue.Suddenly I felt someone shaking my shoulders. It was Andrea.

"We have had enough. Dad was right. We should leave now", she said while holding my hand. There was so much I wanted to do but I just let her drag me out of the room. No one stopped us, not Austin not Augustus. Maybe this is the end of everything.


I let Andrea drag me out, we were searching for dad's room when the nurse Austin appointed for him came running towards us.

"We.. we need to call the doctor immediately", she panted. Hearing this I finally came out of the haze.

"Dad!", both I and Andrea shouted and ran in the direction the nurse came from. Only one room had its door open and dad was inside laying almost lifeless on the bed


"He is fine now. But I would suggest complete bed rest and don't stress out at all. The medicines I prescribed before should be continued and I suggest start doing meditation. It helps a lot to reduce stress", Dr Black explained everything to Austin and left.

I and Andrea were sitting on either side of the bed while dad slept in the middle.

"You scared us so much", I cried.

"I thought I will lose you too", Andrea said while rubbing his head.

"This old man just got happiness after seeing both his daughters together. I know your mom is waiting for me in heaven but I am not going to die until I enjoy a few years with you", he said and kissed both our hands.

"Should I arrange a car for you to leave", Augustus mocked at us. He knows that because of dad's health we can't leave now. Especially when we have nowhere to go.

"Why are you behaving like an asshole Augustus. Can't you talk properly for once", I yelled at him. I was just not able to take his irrational behaviour anymore.

"I can't talk properly to the bitch who stabbed my friend, my BROTHER", he yelled back.

"Ohh you remember I stabbed him but...", I wanted to continue but stopped after realizing that we are still in dad's room. Taking a deep breath I tried to control my anger. "We will leave as soon as dad starts feeling better. Don't want to be any inconvenience to others", I said the last line looking at Austin.

He just gave dad a nod and left the word without saying a word. Augustus followed him but not before scowling at me. I decided to ignore him.

After they left I talked with Andrea and dad. Andrea and I decided to stay at Austin's for few more days. Dad needed some time to be completely healthy. Also, we still didn't know what Austin did to Jack and Connor and his father. So until we confirm that they are behind the bars, it's still unsafe for us to out of this mansion.

We were reluctant about staying but decided otherwise. Right now dad's health is our number one priority.


We were laying in our room. Andrea told me everything that happened with her when she was with Jake. He was a horrible guy who cared about no one else but himself. He treated mom and Andrea like shit, even didn't give mom proper medication because of which she died. Andrea told me that he despised her and never treated her with even 1% of affection, instead, he made her life hell. The only reason he kept her alive was our grandpa's property. She even told me how he made her work in his brothel so that he could make more money out of it.

I was broken just by listening to her. Can't even imagine how she endured everything. We hugged each other and cried for hours. It was the only thing we could do now.

Jake may be my biological father but I hated him so much that I wanted to chop him into pieces. When Andrea was done telling me about Jake and her past with Austin she asked me to sit on the bed and show her all the marks that Austin gave on my body. She touched each and every mark on my back and even the brand that he gave on my chest. 'Austin.H', his name burned on my skin in bold letters.

When she asked me if there was anything else she had to know, I told her the part that Austin skipped. The part where he treated me good. The time when his mom accepted me as her own. Our marriage which was going to take place in a few weeks. The moments we shared and the feelings I started to develop for him. I told her everything because it was her right to know everything.

"Do you still love him", we both asked each other at the same time.

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