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The chapters are not edited and unchecked. Please don't point out mistakes. I am a bit busy still a bit busy but I can't leave you people hanging so here is an update.



"Mam", A soft voice fell on my ears but I just ignored it and kept my eyes closed.

"Mam", the same person called again.

Two things were strange. First, it was a female voice and second except the taxi drivers, waiters, Watchmen and sales men no one ever called me mam. The feeling was awesome someone addressing you as 'mam'. If I was awake I might have smiled like a Joker. But right now I was too lazy to even smile.

"Adria!", now sure that was not some feminine voice. Austin's voice boomed in the room and I jumped off the bed standing straight beside it. I was wide awake now.

Examining my surrounding I finally remembered where I was. The same woman who brought those fluffy sandals for me last night was standing beside Austin, her eyes wide as if she has seen something extremely weird.

A giggle escaped from her lips and she just shook her head.

"I was trying to wake her up since 5 minutes", she complained Austin, but her eyes were focused on me.

I wanted to glare at her for making fun of me but I knew the man standing beside her would not appreciate it.

Austin rolled his eyes and asked the maid to leave us alone.

Strangely he was polite with her.

"It's 10 am already and you were still sleeping", he said while walking towards me.

Fear started to build inside me. Back in the mansion, he would make sure that I was awake by 7 am or so. The only time I slept for long was when I passed out after he whipped me and when he opened the wounds brutally.

"You looked so calm and peaceful that I couldn't wake you up. The way you snore.."

"I don't snore", the words were out of my mouth before I could think about them.

Austin chuckled lightly. The same way he did after seeing my excitement about the river.

"You do baby. And you even drool, my chest was wet due to your drool when I woke up"

My cheeks burned after listening to him. Such a gentleman, telling a woman that she snores and drools.

"Don't be sad, I find it cute anyway", he was now standing in front of me. "Don't pout", he said and pecked my lips whilst pulling my body towards him by my waist.

"Take a shower and come down to have breakfast. Mrs Gomes has already kept your clothes in the bathroom. Wear them, I have bought them for you", saying that he kissed me again but deeply and left the room.

I quickly walked into the bedroom. Just as last night the clothes were placed on a table, a towel resting beside it. Stripping, I decided to take a shower. After a quick shower, I dried myself.

"What the fuck!", the words left my mouth as I saw the clothes Austin has selected for me. It was a black colour bikini with a white border. What the fuck! Why should I wear this?

He said he selected this himself! Oh my God! did he really went in a store and ..... God! I can't even imagine. The thought itself made my cheeks heat up.

But I knew I had no option. Sighing I wore the piece of cloth and thanked Mrs Gomes cause she had kept a white dress for me to wear over it.

After wearing the bikini I looked at my reflection in a mirror. I looked...... sexy. I never thought I would ever call myself sexy. My short height, short legs, not so flat stomach was not something you would refer as sexy. But the bikini made me look like a model. My not-so-big boobs were pushed up and the top exposed the correct amount of cleavage. The pants were smaller than the sexiest panties I had in my house. God! I can't do this. I can't wear this and go in front of the devil.

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