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Adria's POV:


" dad is alive?", I asked him. Ignoring the bad guy part. Instead of giving me an answer he just laughed loudly. Throwing his head back he let out an evil laugh.

"You are so naive, Adria. Its not Edward I am talking about. I am talking about your real dad, Jack Crawford", I was not able to believe what he said. How can it be? I don't know any Jack Crawford. My dad is Edward Owensby.

"You have mistaken. My dad is Edward, Edward Owensby. I dont know any Jack Crawford. Now let me go", I spat at him not buying the shit he was trying to give me.

"You are not Adria Owensby. You are....", Mr. Blake was cut mid sentence by a voice.

"You are Adria Carwford. My daugher. My biological daughter", I looked at the source of the voice. A shadow walked inside the dark room. Hid face hidden in the dark but his body language spoke power and .. and danger.

As soon as he walked in all lights were switched onn. The first thing I noticed were his eyes. His brown eyes. It felt like I was looking in the mirror and staring straight in my eyes.

Dad always used to show me my mothers picture. But I found it odd that my eyes differ from both of my parents. I even asked him once, he said they were like my grandma. I found it odd but ignored it anyway.

I kept staring straight into his eyes until his voice snapped me back to present.

"Hey dear daughter. Its so nice to see you", he said again but his voice and tone showed his real emotions. Disgust, disgust for me.

I moved my attention to his face. He looked dangerous. His skin tanned, a small scar just above his right eyebrow. He had a cigarette in between his fingers which he threw away. His eyes were focused on me.

"Say hi to your father, baby girl", hid tone was enough to send chills down my spine but I refused to show it on my face.

"I am not your daughter and you are not my fucking father", I spat on his face. It felt nice too see my spit land right on his nose. Giving me a hard stare he wipe his face with his hand and cleaned it using his t-shirt.

"Is this the way that bastard thought you to behave with elders? I dare you disrespect me again", his eyes were blazing with anger but I didn't care. I just gave him a guff smile.

"You say you are my biological father. But don't accept it. A person like you can never be anyone's father", The eyes resemblence can just be a coincidence. This man can never be my father.

"You remind me of her. She had the same spirit. The same fire in her. She was perfect, a true beauty and you are lucky you look like her. You remind me more of her", there was a sweet smile on his face. Something made me believe that he was not as bad. "It was pity she had to leave us. Sometimes I feel sad killing her. Killing my wife. Killing your mother"

"What?", It was not me who said this. It was someone else. Someone who looked exactly like me.
Fuck! I don't know what's wrong with me. I have thought about this story 1000s of time in my mind. But I am not able to put it in words. I don't know what's wrong with me. I am not satisfied with my writing but I am still doing this because I have only few days holiday. And these are the only days I will be able to write.
It will be my last year of engineering and ill be busier than I ever was.
Ill edit it someday if I get time.
Please read. I won't ask for votes cause I know this kind of writing does not deserve it.

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