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I was in the car with my angel sitting beside me. Actually, she wasn't sitting, she fell asleep a few minutes ago. Her head resting on my lap and I was creasing her hair. So soft!

After about five hours we reached my mansion. Yes, it took about five hours to reach there. This fucker did a good job of hiding.

Getting out of the car I went towards Andrea's side and carried her to my room. Gently I placed her on my bed.

I smiled at the fact that she is now where she truly belongs. In my room, in my bed. Most importantly in my life.

I felt complete as soon as I saw her. And this mansion finally got its life. It's queen.

My thoughts were stopped when my phone buzzed. It was Auggie.

"Austin, we need you down here. Come fast", Augustus said and by his tone, I figured out that it must really be something important.

I had to go but I can't take any risk with Andrea. What if she runs away again? The mere thought makes my blood chill. I can't, I can't loose her again.

Her hands were already tied, mouth gagged so I just grabbed a rope from my drawer, the rope I usually use to tie women to my bed, well I will be doing the same, just the sex part has to wait this time.

I tie her legs to the bed such that she could move but can't step down from it.

"What is it?", I ask Augustus after entering the cell. It was a dark room with a single bulb. It smelled the same, blood and sweat. It has an iron door with a single square window. I believe in the concept of keeping someone hungry to torture them so I barely give people food when I lock them here.

There are four such cells underground, and right now only one is occupied by Edward.

Augustus pointed towards Edward's lymph body. He was barely breathing, any movements couldn't be seen. I went near to examine him and found that his head was bleeding. There was a pool of blood around his head.

For a moment I thought he is dead but then his slow breathing told that he was alive.

"What happened?", I asked without any emotions. I have seen people in worse condition than this. But this time I had warned my people to control themselves. As much as I wanted this man dead, I knew that my angel won't be happy with it.

"We got carried away", Henry said. His head bent low, his did a mistake. I ordered them, not kill him thats why he is still alive.

"Call Mr. Black", I said coldly and they do as told. Mr. Black is our doctor. He takes care of the matters we do. Let's just say he takes care without getting the police involved. 

Soon the doctor came but the news he gave was not so good.

Henry and Martin were not some decent fellas I hired. Both were contract killers, at first I thought that they kill to get money, it was true but soon I got to know that they got pleasure from it.

They both got someone after a long time and got quite carried away. The doctor said that Edward's head was smashed against some strong object, quite forcefully. The damage caused was quite serious. His skull had broken, he had lost too much of blood. 

Mr. Black suggested us to move him to the hospital. I agreed. Soon we moved Edward to his hospital, I know we won't get any problem there yet he would be under observation of my men.



I woke up and moaned as the mattress beneath me felt too soft. God! This feels heaven. I can't even describe the feeling. It feels like I am sleep on clouds, flying... 

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