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Was I looking in the mirror? Please say yes. The girl standing in front of me shocked me to the core. She looks exactly like me. It was like I was looking at a thinner and paler version of myself.

"Oh god!", was all I could say. My head was going heavy. I started feeling drowsy. This was too much for me to take.

"Adria....", she whispered looking at me and next moment I fainted.


I wanted to bang my head on something, I wanted to pull my hair. I wanted to do anything and everything that would stop the pain. But I can't, the ropes tying my hands to the armrest of the chair prevent me from doing so.

I tried to open my eyes but closed them again. The room which was dark earlier was too bright for my liking right now. Blinking my eyes I tried to adjust with the light and finally opened them ignoring the headache.

"Oh! My sweet daughter is awake", I heard someone say in a sing-song voice. I turned to the source, it was Jack. The one who claims to be my father.

"Oh, sweet little daughter please don't ignore your dad and wake up quickly. I have a small work that you need to do and then dad will help you sleep for a long time", he said in his disgustingly fake sweet voice and then let out that demonic laugh.

"What the hell is going on Jack? And who was that girl?", I asked loudly. It was like I have lost the capability to think. So much had happened in these 2 days. I was not capable to take it all. Although my brain was screaming all the possible answers nothing made sense to me.

"Little girl, don't swear at your dad. I know you want answers but I am sorry to say I don't like to explain myself", he said now sounding more evil, if it is even possible. "The only thing I am going to explain to you is the reason why you are still alive. I need ... or rather I want you to be at your best behavior tomorrow when I take you to the lawyer. All you have to do is sign the papers and nod your head when I signal you. No words would be spoken by either of you", he said.

I opened my mouth to ask the questions that were creating havoc in my mind but couldn't as he left immediately after speaking. My eyes wandered the room like a scared, lost puppy. soon everyone was gone. I kept searching hoping I would see someone at least Connor. But no one.

After almost the or some minutes, a bulky bald guy entered dragging the girl inside. No words were exchanged. He tied her on another chair beside me and left.

Again silence spread across the room until she decided to break it.

"Hii", she smiled at me awkwardly. I replied with a more awkward hello. "I hope you finally figured it out who I am", she said still the faint smile on her face. Come on how can she smile even in such an awkward situation.

"To be honest at this moment I have even forgotten my name", I said which made her let out a chuckle. She was a damn confusing woman. Her eyes held both joy and pain, making it even difficult for me to read her.

"I am Andrea Crawford, your twin sister", she said and my mind went numb for some seconds.

"Wha... What? My twin sister?", I asked shocked to which she just laughed.

"Are you really not getting it or you are stupid", she joked to which I glared at her. But she kept laughing. "When mom told me about you I always thought about how it would be living with you, teasing you, sharing stuff with you, tricking people and many more things. The only thing I never thought was the situation that we are meeting in", she said, her face now showing sadness. I could already feel the connection. Her sadness made me sad. And her smile made me smile.

"I am really confused right now. Can you tell me what is really going on", I asked again hoping to finally get some answers. 

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