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"Seriously! bitch", I exclaimed and threw my cell phone on the table.

"What is it princess", my dad asks while bringing the plates out of the kitchen.

"Nothing dad, same stupid stories on wattpad", I said while helping him with the plates. "Sandwich! God dad not again", I cried and started stomping my feet like a child.

"I am sorry baby girl, but I swear I will find a cook soon", he says while kissing my forehead.

I and my dad shifted here three days back. My mom died while giving birth to me, so we are the only family for each other.

The saddest thing is that we always had a cook in our house so never ever learned to cook. Hence, we are suffering now.

Since we shifted here just a few days back, we are yet to find out new housekeeping staff, resulting in us doing disastrous experiments in the kitchen.

To stop our brand new kitchen from blowing away, we decided to have pizza for breakfast and sandwiches for dinner.

Yup! we both are weird.

"So tell me. What were you reading now?", dad asks while pouring some ketchup on my plate.

"Oh! it was a romance novel, 'still can't hate you'", I said and started removing onions from my sandwich. Yes! I hate them.

"Simple name. The writer must be immature?"

"Yes, she is. Some purple orchids. Seriously I have started hating her. God knows why these people even try writing", I took a huge bite of my sandwich and started chewing it angrily.

"Why do you read such stupid stuff, by the way?", he took all the removed onions from my plate and put them in his sandwich. Yes! he loves them...... Yuck!

"Because", I paused a bit to give a dramatic effect. "They are free", dad just shook his head at my answer.

"So, what offended you now?"

"Well! the lead male in the story abuses the female just due to a misunderstanding, yet like a love stuck puppy she reunites with him. I mean come on. He hit you, treated you like a dog yet you go after him. Like, serious girl! You sold your self-respect for buying a burger or what?", dad laughed at my words and I smiled at his happy face.

We finished our so called dinner laughing at random stuffs.

"Ok, princess. Change your clothes and go to bed. I will check your room after 30 minutes. If I still find you up....", he warns and I roll my eyes.

"Dad! for god's sake I am 18, not 8", I say while running upstairs, hoping that his usual comment won't fall on my ear.

"But you still are the same little one who used to poo on my pants", Ughh! I groaned at his words.

The first reason why I don't call my friends home.

I ran up to my room and opened my laptop. Video chat with Connor, my boyfriend.

Before connecting, I went near the mirror. God! how can I be so pretty. Don't get me wrong I am not a psycho or something. I just don't underestimate myself.

Actually, I am really average when it comes to looks. Not too tall, not too short. My 5.3 height is quite average. My dark brown hair is long and falls below my waist, they are a shade darker than the color of my eyes.

But what Connor loves in me the most are my full lips, he complements them everytime we meet and worship them with those delicate kisses.

Not being able to wait for seeing his handsome face I quickly adjust my top, pulling it a bit down to show my cleavage and fixing my hair I went back to my bed and clicked enter.

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