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"Dad I will be in my room. If you need anything....... don't bother me do it yourself you are a big guy now", I say while running upstairs to my room.

I have very precious time which I will like to spend by doing very important works in my room.

The very important works are:
1) Surfing YouTube.
2) Reading some sexy stories on wattpad.
3) Taking a nice bath.

Hushh! Gonna be tiring but have to do it.

I lock my room from inside, so that dad doesn't walk in.

Its 1 pm and I am alloweded to lock the room. Whereas at night if I do so my overprotective dad can even break the door.

Opening my laptop I hop on the bed and lay flat on my tummy.

After an hour I still am not bored. I watched some random videos. I was laughing my heart out watching those videos titled 'babies laughing'. Aww.. they are so cute. I am damn sure Connor and my children will be cute too. And when he/she grows up they will be bomb attractive, just like me.

Finally when my stomach started hurting due to all the laughing I decided to stop. Enough of laughing exercise today, hope I will be able to make abs soon.

Yawning I got out of the bed and started stripping. When completely naked I walked into the bathroom and started preparing a bath.

Fuck! This takes so much time. Not wanting to waste my previous and valuable time I started shaving my legs, arms, under arms and finally my sweet-sweet (at least that's what Connor says) private parts.

I instantly became hot thinking of Connor. God the things he do with my body!!!

As the bathtub gets filled with hot soothing water I drop my favorite lavender bath bombs in it and step into the heavn.

God!!! So fucking good. All the girls out there must be knowing how good it feels to soak your body into hot water and relax yourself.

I don't know how much time I spent in the tub cause I felt asleep. But my moments in heaven were broken by someone screaming.

I instantly panick after recognizing the voice. Its my dad. Another scream fell on my ears and it was followed with one more.

Quickly I step out of the bathtub, drying my body in lightening speed I wear my pant and put on a loose dress.

Opening the door I started moving downstairs. The sight in front of me sent shivers down my spine.

Two men were holding my dad by his arms and one was punching him in his stomach and one was watching the show as if it's his favorite drama.

Dad's eyes were closed and his screams increasing with each blow. The man punching him had his back towards me.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't.

Finally when I gained my senses I screamed on top of my lungs.

"Stop", my voice boomed in the house and all eyes snapped towards me. I looked towards my dad who gave me a look that said 'why did you come out?'.

I ran towards him wanting to hold his lymph form but was suddenly stopped by two strong arms.

The person pulled me towards him and I was met with a very handsome face. I realized that it was the same man who was hitting my dad.

Anger and furry took over me and freeing my hands I slapped him hard on his face.

His neck turned to other side and he covered his cheek with his hand.

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