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Hey there people.

Ok ok you can call me with all the bad names as I know it's my mistake. But trust me I was really busy. But I am free now for few days. Maybe 2 or 3 as I'll be going out with my family soon.

Anyways I will try to update as much as I can with the very little time I have in my hand.

So please don't mind the mistakes and tell me if you have any doubts or confusion.



"I am telling you this one would make you look like a princess. I loved this one", Charlie exclaimed. She had selected a nice off-shoulder gown with lace and beading work on it, the manager said the beading work was handcrafted.

I agree it looked nice. The best thing I loved about it was its big flair with lacework. It looked so beautiful and elegant. It was a dream gown for any bride.

I loved it but this was wrong. I should not feel good about this. I should not like him. But I do. Yes, I have started liking Austin. Who won't? If you were in my shoes I bet you would feel the same. He has been nothing but sweet to me. An ideal partner you can say. I have never received so much affection. Nor from Connor neither from my dad.

No doubt dad loves me but he was always out for work. Being single parent he was always busy to work and provide me. Somewhere I was always lonely. Even when I started dating Connor we never spent much time together. Being a teacher, he was busy with school and even during vacation, he had stacks of papers to correct and report cards to work on.

But now I am never lonely. Austin is always beside me. He even prefers working from home to be with me. He would ask me to sit in his office while he does his job. I would watch Netflix. Do some studies... yes u heard me right. Studying.

After telling me that he loves me it was like all the restrains holding Austin's emotions were cut down. He changed completely. Like a 360° turn. He is nothing but sweet with me after that.

He learned that I was trying to apply to a medical college so he did some research and found the top college nearby. He even helped me with the books for the special entrance exam I will have to give after three months.

He is been so nice to me, my heart had already accepted him but my mind says no. It keeps reminding me about my dad and Connor. They should be my priority. Connor was first in my life. I feel like a bitch to even like Austin while I am still with Connor. I mean I never had a proper enclosure with him so it technically means that I am still with him, isn't it?

And another reason for having doubts about Austin is because he has still not taken me to meet my father. Whenever I ask him about dad he would snap at me or just tell me that now was not the time to meet him. I don't get the reason why he can't at least let me see him for once.

"Adria... dear you ok?", Charlie shook me slightly to bring me out of my thoughts.

"I am fine", I said with a slight smile.

"Okay...", she said clearly not believing me but decided to ignore. "So what do you think about this dress".

"It's wonderful. I loved it", I replied honestly. The thing is even if I have doubts about Austin I really can't do anything about it. You all people know that man. If he wants to marry me he will do it anyway and I am too afraid to voice my doubts as they would eventually lead me to punishment.

"So what are we waiting for? Go ahead try it", she gave the dress in my hand and pushed me in the changing room. Once in I stripped the dress I was wearing. The dress I had to try was too heavy to put on. The cloth bundled up near my face so I called Charlie and asked her to help me.

She pulled the bundle of fabric down and did the zip. That's when I took a look in the mirror. It was not Charlie who helped me. It was Austin. Now you know why I said he won't leave me alone.

"Gorgeous", he said looking at me through the mirror. "Like a goddess", he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing my earlobe.

"Thank you. But you should not be here", I said looking down.

"Ohh common Angel you were out of my sight for 2 hrs now. I couldn't wait more. Besides I had to watch you in this dress", he said while touching the soft fabric of my dress.

I wanted to tell him that he should have waited. This dress should be a surprise for him on our wedding day. But I know better than arguing with Austin Hawk. So I just smiled.

"You can voice your thoughts, angel. You know I am not the monster I used to be earlier. So please don't be scared of me", he reminded me of the same thing again.

But I was still scared of him. You can't just forget the month's long torture in few days.

"I am trying", I whispered still not looking in his eyes.

"I am sorry", He said again. For the nth time and claimed my lips. The kiss was soft, the one which shows love.

His actions make me believe that he really loves me. But my fear won't let me digest the thought completely.

"Let's go or people will start thinking we are having sex", he said making me blush.

We went out of the dressing room and as Charlie's eyes landed on me she gasped audibly.

"Oh my God, Adria", she said and pulled me into a hug. " You look gorgeous", he said pulling apart. When I saw her eyes they were filled with tears. Her face shining due to happiness.

"Thank you", I said my own voice shaky, I was overwhelmed by the affection Charlie was showing me. I could see her as my mother. The one about whom I only heard from my father.

The dress hugged my figure as if it was made for me only. They had to do some adjustments for the length though. My height was small for the gown. The designer said it will be ready in two days which was enough as the wedding is next week.

We also selected shoes for me. Austin said he already had chosen the rings for us and promised me that I will love them.

We did some more shopping, Austin was always beside me. Holding my hand, stealing kisses, whispering love words and helping me to select stuff for myself. He even asked Charlie to wait in the car while he took me lingerie shopping. I was blushing the whole time as he selected some very sexy/revealing lingerie for me. But by his expression, I could tell that he was enjoying it.

When we were done we called it a day and Charlie suggested we should have dinner somewhere. Austin took us to a very fancy and expensive looking restaurant.

As soon as we entered we were welcomed by the manager. He seemed to know Austin. We were given a special place at the terrace from where the whole city could be seen.

I was feeling uneasy throughout the time I entered the restaurant. It felt like someone was watching us, especially me. I could feel the eyes on me which made me uneasy.

When on the table a waiter approached us. Austin started asking him about the wines they had. I was not listening. I had this heavy feeling of been watched.

Also, my bladder was full. I had to pee very badly. But I was scared. What if someone is really watching me?

Not being able to control I finally excused myself.

"You will be ok? I mean can you go alone", Austin asked. I and Charlie gave him a weird look.

"She is going to the washroom, not for a war", Charlie said shaking her head.

Austin just chuckled "I know but it's my duty to take care of her," he said and I awwed inwardly. I mean that's really cute of him.

Anyway, I went to the washroom as one of the waiters guided me. I did my business and was washing my hands when I felt someone's presence behind me.


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