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And I knew my troubles are increased.

His eyes became red in an instant. His body shaking due to anger. He got up from over me and stood next to the bed.

"You are lying, aren't you?", his eyes were fixed on me. I crawled back and sat on the bed, my back glued to the headboard.

"I am not lying. I have a boyfriend", my reducing confidence could be detected from my voice. I was scared by his angry form but I refused to show him that. At least I tried to.

"FUCK!", he yelled and started throwing things here and there. The lamp beside the bed was now broken, the vase which looked antique was shattered in pieces, the chairs were smashed on the ground. He was destroying the room.

"Fuck you! don't destroy that pot. It seems damn expensive", I screamed when he was going to break a very expensive looking hookah pot. I loved that thing it looks so good.

But wait, wasn't I supposed to be scared. I glanced a Satan again and he was looking back at me.

I gulped. I should really learn to keep my mouth shut.

"You think it's a joke, huh!", he took long strides towards me but still managed not to trip on any broken glass piece.

"Ahh.. leave me you bastard. Fuck! leave me", I screamed on top of the lungs when he picked me up with no trouble and threw me on his shoulder.

"You couldn't keep your legs close for three years. I never thought you as a slut, Andrea. Now I will show you what happens with sluts like you", he yelled and I started kicking my legs.

"Leave me. Leave me"

"Stop angel. I don't want to get angrier", he roared and slapped my ass harshly. I cried out in pain. It stings.

"I am not Andrea. Can't you get this simple thing? Are you a psyc.....", I stopped when he started walking down a dark staircase. There was barely any light in the way. It almost felt like he was carrying me to a dungeon.

"Where ar.. are are you taking me", I asked and got no answer.

"I.. I.. its dark here. I can't see your handsome face", I tried to enlighten his mood. Maybe it would lessen his anger. But still, I got only one thing... silence.

"Hmmm.. I am hungry. Is there McDonald's under there?", I asked again. Trying my best to calm myself down. Not that it worked in any way.

But this time instead of silence I got a loud animalistic growl and another hard smack on my butt.

I cursed my dad cause he never taught me when to shut my nasty little mouth.

"Please Aussie. I am scared of the dark. Please, Aussie boy. I loved your room. What say I go and clean the mess you created", I offered pouting. Not that he could see me as my face was hanging near his back.

"If you don't shut up right now.......", if it was any guy from my school giving me empty threats, I might have laughed and spit on his face. Yes.. I am serious. I have spat on many already. But this was not any guy. This was Aussie-Pussy-Satan Hawk. The name itself is quite scary, isn't it? 

Ok, the real name Austin Hawk is scary.

My nonsense rambling in my own head was stopped when he stopped in front of a big iron door. It looked quite scary.

"What is this?", I asked again. I can't keep quite, can I?... Nah!

I was again answered very politely with silence.

Without keeping me down Satan opened the door with ease, I started hyperventilating since the room was too very suffocating. It was dark, without any window. A strong smell hit me, it was of sweat and even........... toilet. Ewww.

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