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My day went sitting at the corner of the room thinking about plans to escape from here. If I get out of here I can either take help from the cops or I can go to Connor. He surely would be a help.

But for escaping I would need some energy, at to least walk. I am literally drained right now. It's been three days they gave me water let alone some food. I tried to open the door of the room but it was locked securely.

Satan is so cruel he also stopped the water supply in the bathroom. I wonder if he treats me so badly how is he treating my dad? This is the longest time I have stayed away from my dad.

The door opened again and Austin entered in. The mere sight of him scares me now. By now I have known that he is a sadist, enjoying watching me in pain.

And the fear of pain had me do what I thought I will never do, I crawled back, plastering myself completely to the wall as he walked in my direction.

I was watching him with wide eyes, calculating his moves, trying to find somewhere to escape.

As soon as he was just beside me I stood up and sprinted towards the door only to be pulled back.

Austin pulled me and now my back was plastered to his front.

"I guess the punishments weren't enough for you", he whispered in my ear. My heart was beating so fast.

"You know now I want to punish you again for trying to run away from here", he said earning a whimper from me. "But I am in a good mood today so I will ignore it", I relaxed a bit at his words but shuddered again when I felt him sucking my ear lobe.

"You stink. I guess I should allow you to take a bath", he said and I went red due to embarrassment.

"I can't believe you have the nerve to say that", out of habit the words were out of my mouth. My voice was hoarse and barely audible due to the dry throat. It stings when I speak.

"Hmm... I will do something of that attitude later. But now aren't you thirsty, Adria?", his question was answered by my eager nod.

"Ok but what would I get in return?", I raised my brows at his question. I mean I am completely at his mercy and he expects me to give something to him?

He slowly turned me around so that now I was facing him. His strikingly handsome face was just inches away from mine now.

"Kiss me", my eyes went wide at his demand. Did he really?


"I said kiss me", his voice was clear and demanding.

"No fucking way", I tried to move back but he gripped my shoulders tightly.

"Either kiss me or stay locked here without food and water", his eyes were blazing with anger. I know I was in no condition to argue him.

"Bu..but .. but...Yeh! you just said that I stink right?", I covered my mouth with my hand. "I haven't even brushed. Eww.. I can't kiss you. I stink", I said moving my head back.

Austin chuckled at me. Ohh! That was sexy...... Wait, what? What the fuck Adria! You can't think that way.

I scolded myself.

"I won't lie. Yes, you do stink but I am sure you will still taste nice. Now come on kiss me fast. Then we will go eat something, I have special food ready for you", my stomach churned as he said this. But I can't do this. This is not right. I can't cheat on Connor.

"I... I can't", I whispered looking down. I was waiting for him to say something coldly or hit me or something but surprisingly he just lifted my chin up and made me look at him.

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