Welcome to College

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Now I think I've made you wait long enough for the first chapter so let's dive right in...


The gang all graduated from Abigail Adams High School and decided to go to NYU together.

They were just starting their freshman year in college.

Every single one of them had finally figured out what they wanted to do with their life and had made their academic decisions accordingly.

Maya had decided to study Art and aspired to be a famous artist one day.

Zay had decided to study Theatre and aspired to become an actor one day.

Farkle and Smackle had decided to study Physics and aspired to become Theoretical Physicists. They were both very confident about winning the Nobel Prize one day.

Riley had taken the longest to decide and was now majoring in History. She aspired to become a teacher just like her father.

Lucas had surprisingly decided to not become a veterinarian and was majoring in English. He aspired to become a teacher and nurture young minds. He had been influenced by his long-time teachers Cory Matthews and Harper Burges. He truly hoped to be a teacher like Mr. Matthews was to him when he had first arrived in New York.


Lucas and Riley co-incidentally had many classes together which freaked Cory out at first but he soon got over it. They were both studying to get teaching degrees so almost all of their classes were common. They were all discussing the possibility of them all taking a single class together. They had been going back and forth with their options because the common class had to be mutually benefitting to all of them.


They all lived in the dorms but did go back home often to visit their families except Lucas. Lucas would only spend time at his parents' house when they had people over. He preferred to spend his time with the Matthews. His decision to become a teacher had caused many arguments with his parents who believed that their son was wasting his time and his potential by getting a teaching degree. They didn't understand why Lucas wanted to be a teacher and constantly criticized his life choices and belittled him.

Whenever they had a free weekend all of them would immediately make a plan to go home. Most of their time was usually spent at the Matthews' home. They enjoyed spending time with their former teacher and would have lengthy discussions about how their college life is very different from their school life. They all would fondly remember the wonderful time they spent with Cory in his class and outside during high school. Surprisingly, Cory would even let Lucas stay in Riley's room without chasing him out.


Cory had finally come to terms with the fact that his daughter was growing up but he still had his moments. He could see how much the two loved each other and he knew how the story went. He felt privileged to have seen the relationship between his daughter and the man she loved blossom over the years.

He might never say it out loud but he was glad that Riley had fallen for Lucas and not someone else like Charlie Gardner. He knew that Lucas loved and cherished his daughter like every father hoped his daughter's boyfriend would. Lucas treated Riley like a princess and that was the best all he could really hope for.

He also expected Lucas to ask him for permission to marry his daughter soon. He was waiting to have the opportunity to give Lucas a hard time and couldn't wait until it was time for the so-called dreaded conversation. Usually he would have believed that this conversation would mean that he was losing his daughter forever but the boy had proven otherwise. Lucas had proven over time through his actions that Cory would never lose his daughter.


Cory loved the time he spent with his former students and he was proud of every single one of them for all their achievements

He was proud of Maya for admitting that she had potential to do great things. Maya had finally let go of her pessimist attitude even though she had her moments.

He was proud of Zay for figuring out his talent and actively pursuing it. Zay had always been confused about a lot of things like his place in his group of friends and it brought Cory great joy to see him find his place in the world.

He was proud of Farkle for learning about the important things in life. Farkle had finally accepted that having loyal friends was much more important than ruling the world.

He was proud of Smackle for overcoming her insecurity of being awkward around people. She still had her moments but she was getting there.

He was extremely proud of Riley for growing up. She had made mistakes but she always learnt from them. His little girl had finally made the world her own.

Cory might never admit it out loud but the student he was most proud of was actually his daughter's boyfriend, Lucas.

He remembered the angry little boy he first met with a bad record. While all the other teachers assumed the worst of him, claiming that he was a lost cause and didn't give him a second glance, Cory disagreed. He took it upon himself to try and help the boy. He saw the anger issues and knew they were simply an outcome of suppressed feelings.

Lucas was very closed off about a few personal matters and it took Cory some time to break through the walls he had built to protect himself. Once he managed to get through to Lucas, Cory discovered a lost little boy who desired to become a better person but had no one to guide him.

Cory took it upon himself to help his student the same way he had always helped his childhood best friend, Shawn Hunter.

Lucas was eternally grateful to Cory for all his help and had grown into a confident young man who would not hesitate to protect his friends. Before Lucas always handled his problems with his fists but now he knew better.

Cory has seen Lucas grow before his own eyes and knew that his daughter couldn't possibly find a better man. This was also one of the reasons he had finally accepted his daughter's relationship with the former hot-headed cowboy.

He had come to love Lucas like a son but was waiting for the moment Lucas would ask for his permission to marry Riley before officially welcoming him to their family.


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