Debate Class

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Today was the gang's first debate class. They were truly thankful for having found one class that would benefit all of them and could be taken together. Josh had helped them with deciding on the debate class and Cory backed him up by telling them the benefits of taking the debate class.

They found a debate class that they could all take together and it seemed like a sign for them to take it. This class didn't disrupt anyone's schedules and all of them were happy to take it. They were all quite excited while getting ready for their first debate class.

They all left together from their rooms, which were right next to each other in the coed dorm buildings.


Cory had freaked out for a moment when he heard about this but Topanga calmed him down by telling him that the boys being next door was good for the girls' safety. She was referring to the incident where she had been harassed by a professor in her own dorm room and Cory thankfully got the hint. He had a long talk with the boys about taking care of the girls next door but would constantly repeat 'No Funny Business' until Topanga and the girls stopped him.


The gang made their way to their classroom and took their seats. They were all catching up on how their day had been going while waiting for their professor to arrive. The professor arrived in the classroom and the gang was surprised when they noticed how young he looked.

He introduced himself, "Hi everyone. My name is Professor Simon Johnson and I'm here to take your debate class. I know that I look a lot younger but I assure you that I will ensure that you all become wonderful debaters by the end of the semester. I'm not like your other professors so you can call me Simon. Now I would like you all to introduce yourselves to the class. Your name and a little about yourself like what you aspire to become in life."

One by one everyone introduced themselves to the class and Simon said something in return. Eventually it was Riley's turn but she was feeling nervous so Lucas squeezed her hand to help her feel better.

Riley took a deep breath and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Riley Matthews. I've lived in New York all my life and I'm really excited to get to know you all this semester. I want to become a teacher just like my father."

Lucas smiled, shaking his head knowing it was just like Riley to be excited to meet new people and make friends.

Simon replies, "Pleased to meet you Riley. I'm absolutely certain you'll make a lovely teacher."

Riley blushed at the compliment and quickly mumbled a "Thank you" before turning to Lucas because he was next.

Lucas felt uncomfortable at the professor complimenting his girlfriend but he put that feeling aside and stood up to introduce himself.

Lucas said, "Hi guys, I'm Lucas Friar. Like Riley said, I'm also excited to get to know you this semester. I'm also aiming to become a teacher and help students reach their potential."

Riley smiled knowing exactly what Lucas meant. They had had a lengthy discussion when he had told her he didn't want to be a veterinarian anymore.

She understood his reasons and felt the same way because she too was influenced by her father.

Simon replies, "Not everyday I hear such passion from students to become a teacher. If you don't mind me asking who influenced this decision of yours?"

Lucas smiles and says, "I don't mind answering that. I was deeply influenced by my history teacher. He taught our class many life lessons over the years. If I can be half the teacher he was, I would consider myself a good teacher."

Riley smiles and squeezes his hand in response knowing exactly how he felt.

Once the introductions are done, Simon starts teaching the entire class.

Everyone seems mesmerised by his method of teaching which was unlike any teacher they had ever had.

He encouraged them to have discussions and talk freely in his class.


At the end of the class Simon said, "So guys I'm giving you a small assignment. It's not graded so don't worry about that. I just want to know what you guys learnt in our sessions. I expect you guys to write a few sentences about what you think makes a good debater. See you guys around."

The gang all picked up their things and left class together.

None of them had any classes immediately so they went to the student union building together.


On the way Maya and Zay were only singing praises of the new teacher.

Maya said, "Simon is so cool. He's the best teacher we've ever had."

Zay agrees saying, "Yeah. How many teachers actually let you call them by their first name as though they are your friend? This class is gonna be amazing."

Farkle interjects, "I'll agree on the point that he's a lot different from other teachers. It was honestly refreshing to meet a teacher who treats us like equals instead of little kids that need protection. And Maya, how can you say that he's the best teacher we've ever had? Did you forget about Hambone?"

Maya shrugs and replies, "You know what I mean."

Smackle says, "Maya I think you're being slightly disrespectful to Mr. Matthews especially after everything he's done for us. I'll admit that this debate class was not what I was expecting but we shouldn't judge the professor based on one class."

Maya is about to refute when Riley interrupts her saying, "Guys please don't argue about this now. I'm sure we have much more important things to discuss."

Lucas didn't give any input to the conversation. He had many thoughts swirling in his head.

He felt extremely uncomfortable with their professor calling on Riley more often than the other students. He had also caught the professor glancing towards Riley more times than necessary.

He didn't think this extra attention was necessary or even appropriate.

He didn't want to say it out loud but Lucas had an unpleasant feeling about the teacher's behaviour. He figured he would talk about it to some adult first before bringing it up with his friends because most of them seemed to really like the teacher.

He didn't want to risk an argument with his friends over something like this. He knew that he always felt jealous whenever Riley talked to any male outside of their group or family for too long.

He also knew that his friends would first assume he was jealous of a male outside of their friends and family paying so much attention to Riley.

He was sure that what he was feeling was not something as trivial as jealousy but he didn't voice his opinions.


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