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Hope you all liked the last chapter

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Will the rest of the gang finally understand what Lucas is referring to?


The next morning Riley insisted on taking a bath leaving Lucas alone with Topanga.

Lucas asks, "Where are Cory and Auggie?"

Topanga replies, "They were having a guys night out with Shawn last night. Cory called up saying that they were staying over at Shawn's because Auggie dozed off and Cory was too tired to drive them back home. They should be back in time for breakfast though. Now tell me what happened."

Lucas says, "I don't know much but Simon was in the room with Riley and she looked terrified of him. She broke down in my arms sometime after he left so I don't know the exact story. I'm guessing Simon hurt her somehow when he was in her dorm room."

Topanga looks at him surprised and asks, "You're telling me that your professor was in Riley's dorm room when she was alone?"

Lucas nods and says, "I found it highly inappropriate. I was talking to Pappy Joe so I didn't even know until quite late. I should have just let her sit with me when I was talking to Pappy Joe."

Topanga replies, "You couldn't have known he would do this at that exact moment. Lucas, you will not blame yourself. If anyone's to blame it's Simon. I don't want to hear either of you two blaming yourself. Am I clear?"

Lucas simply nods in response.

He truly hoped Riley would tell them what had happened the day before when Simon was in her dorm room.

He wanted to help her but he couldn't until he knew what exactly had happened.


The rest of the gang went to their classes as usual.

They had debate class with Simon but they didn't know how they felt about it after the accusations Lucas had made the night before.

Lucas was convinced that Simon was the one who had hurt Riley but they still wanted to give Simon the benefit of the doubt.

They all decided to keep an eye on Simon and his reaction to Riley's absence.

Lucas had clearly sensed something due to which he was making such serious accusations against their professor.


Simon entered the class looking more cheerful than usual.

He had finally had a moment alone with his beloved Riley.

He hated Lucas even more for interrupting them.

He looked around the class trying to find Riley but was unsuccessful.

He turned to her friends and asked, "Where's your friend Riley?"

His question made Farkle suspicious because he had only asked about one of the missing students.

Farkle then saw the look on his face and finally understood what Lucas had hinted at the night before.

He turned to Smackle and noticed that she was also thinking the same thing as him.

Farkle cursed himself for not noticing the way Simon had looked at Riley before.

If only they hadn't been so oblivious before then perhaps Riley wouldn't have been hurt.

Farkle completely understood the anger Lucas directed at both them and Simon.

Maya, completely unaware of the realisation her friends were having, replies, "Riley wasn't feeling well last night so she went home. Lucas also went with her."

Farkle looked at Maya in disbelief because she had just told Simon more than he needed to know.

Simon nods in response and continues taking the class as usual.


Simon wasn't very happy that Riley was gone somewhere with Lucas but it was not like he could do much about it.

It was times like this which made him glad for being liked by Riley's friends.

One look at Lucas' face the evening before told him that he somewhat knew what had happened.

Lucas would obviously try to accuse him of hurting Riley but his friends all liked him which meant they wouldn't believe the boy.

He didn't believe that he had hurt Riley the previous evening.

He was simply showing her the truth that she deserved someone better than the stupid boy she was dating.

No one believing him would obviously frustrate Lucas and he would lose his temper just like Zay had said.

If he was blinded by rage he would end up doing something horrible and then Riley would finally see the truth.

Riley deserved someone who could take care of her, not someone who could possibly hurt her when blinded by rage.


After class Farkle told everyone to come to his dorm to talk about things.

Once they're all in the boys' dorm room Farkle shuts the door and turns to face the others.

Farkle says, "Guys I think I understand why Lucas is accusing Simon now. I don't know why I didn't notice this before but Simon sort of got a weird glint in his eyes when he asked about Riley. Now when I think about it he always had a weird glint every time he looked at Riley or even talked to her. My guess is Lucas saw this because of which he doesn't trust Simon."

Smackle adds, "I hate to say this but Lucas was right last night. We've been mesmerised by Simon being different that we ignored the weird looks he's been giving Riley. I think Lucas had been waiting for at least one of us to notice before he said anything about it. Unfortunately none of us did and Riley ended up getting hurt."

Maya shakes her head and says, "How can you even say that? Simon is a good teacher and he obviously knows what's right and what's wrong."

Zay replies, "If he knows right from wrong then what was he doing in Riley's dorm yesterday? Regardless of how friendly he is Maya he's still a teacher here and I don't think him being in the dorm was right. Believe what you want but I'm siding with Farkle and Smackle here. Something's not right about him."

Farkle says, "Let's go to check up on Riley now. We don't have any classes and maybe she might tell us something today."

The others all nod and go to pack their bags before they leave together.


When they arrive at the Matthews home, Topanga ushers them in quickly.

They are surprised to see that Riley was still clinging to Lucas while Auggie and Cory were sitting near her.


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