Personal Matters

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the previous chapter where Riley is worried about Lucas who is facing some problems.

Let me know what you guys think of the story.


Cory sits at his desk and gestures for the others to sit down as well.

He looks at Lucas and finds the young man looking rather nervous.

He waited for a few minutes because he had an idea about what Lucas had wanted to talk to them about.

Topanga looks worried and asks, "What's going on Lucas?"

Lucas takes a deep breath and replies, "I wanted to talk to you guys about something important. You probably already know what I want to talk about."

Cory smirks and says, "I have an idea Mr. Friar but I'd like to hear it from you."

Topanga nervously asks, "Does this have anything to do with your parents?"

Lucas replies, "Not exactly but it's kind of related to our last argument. I went home to pick up something Pappy Joe had given me recently. I didn't think they would be home but I was wrong. They saw what I picked up and we got into an argument. They started saying that I was ruining my life by getting a teaching degree and it was all Riley's fault. According to them, she has been putting ideas in my head and I am stupid enough to fall for that and follow her. They said they were ashamed of me as usual and that they would never approve of Riley. Then I kinda just exploded on them and said that if they have so much problem with my life choices then they should just sign off their rights as my parents and be done with me for good. I stormed off after that so I don't know what happened later. I called Pappy Joe and told him everything that happened. He said that he approves of my life decisions and that he would help me financially so I wouldn't have to depend on my so-called parents."

Topanga says, "I can't believe they would do such a thing. Don't worry about the legal problems they might give you because I'll handle all that."

Lucas replies, "Thank you so much Topanga. If you don't mind, I'd like to just give them the papers to sign off their rights. I don't want them as my parents anymore if all our conversations end up as arguments. It's their choice in the end but just give them those papers. They shouldn't have to deal with a son they are ashamed of anymore than me having to deal with completely unsupportive parents."

Topanga nods and asks, "What's the other thing? Why exactly do they not approve of Riley?"

Lucas sheepishly rubs the back of his neck and replies, "Yeah well I kinda wanted to ask your permission and blessings. Pappy Joe had given me my Meemaw's engagement ring. Meemaw had left it for me because we were really close. Pappy Joe told me that she would have loved Riley when he gave me the ring and that I should give it to her. He approves of Riley and that's all I need to know that I'm doing the right thing. That ring is actually what I had gone to pick up from my house when I unexpectedly ran into my parents. So right now I'm asking for your daughter's hand in marriage."

Cory kept an eye on Lucas during the entire speech, smiling to himself.

He'd known Lucas for a few years and he knew that Lucas loved his daughter unconditionally.

He also knew that Riley would be in good hands with the young man standing before him asking for his permission and blessings.

He looked at Topanga and nodded discreetly before turning to Lucas.

Cory says, "I'll be honest with you Lucas. I didn't like you at first but that was because I could see how my daughter looked at you. I was afraid that if she grew up I would lose her and you seemed to understand and respect that. I've watched you grow as a person over the years and I would be proud to call you my son-in-law. So Lucas, Topanga and I give you our blessings. You can ask Riley to marry you but we would like to know when you two get engaged. I know Riley will call Maya first so I expect a call from you."

Lucas nods and asks, "How are you so sure that she'll say yes?"

Topanga smiles and replies, "We know what love looks like. Trust me she'll say yes so I'll be waiting for the call. You know what you should just tell us when you decide to ask her. Now come here and give me a hug."

With that Topanga pulls Lucas into a bear hug.

They pull away and Cory comes forward and says, "Welcome to the family, son"

Lucas's eyes well up as Cory pulls him in for a hug. They pull away after a few moments and Cory pats him on the back.

Cory says, "You know Lucas I've actually waited for this conversation. Normally I would dread such a conversation because it would mean that I would be losing my daughter forever. But thanks to you, over the years I've realised that I'm not ever going to lose my daughter. Instead, I'm going to gain a son."

Topanga adds, "Cory's right Lucas. You know we've always considered you as our own son. Now with you proposing, it's just going to become official. You can call us Mom and Dad if you'd like to."

Lucas feels overwhelmed by the love from his future in-laws.

He feels lucky to have found such wonderful people to show him what unconditional love is.

He might lose the parents who gave him life but he knew that Cory and Topanga would always stand by his side no matter what.


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