The Hearing Part 2

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter

I have used the clip from the episode 'Everybody Love Stuart' which influenced this chapter quite greatly.



The Dean announces, "Now let's back to the sexual harassment issue."


Topanga asks, "Mr. Johnson, what do you have to say about the incident?"

Simon interrupts, "I didn't do anything alright. This is a completely false accusation."

Topanga says, "So you're saying that Riley Matthews here made up the entire incident. You didn't go to her dorm room when she was alone. Which reminds me, how exactly did you know which dorm was hers?"

Simon replies, "I asked one of the students when I entered the dorm building. I didn't know she was alone at first."

Topanga asks, "So once you discovered she was alone why didn't you leave?"

Simon replies, "I told you I had to go over her essay. I didn't want to leave it until the next day because I was afraid I would forget about it."

Topanga asks, "So you didn't try to take advantage of the fact that Riley was alone in her dorm? You're saying that she's lying and that you didn't make her feel violated?"

Simon replies, "I'm not sure why she felt that way because I was just trying to explain my point to her. We were discussing her essay the whole time."


Riley is shocked to see how easily Simon was lying about the incident.

She could feel tears forming in her eyes but she refused to cry in front of the liar.

Lucas noticed her tears and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before looking towards Topanga.


Topanga glares at Simon and asks, "Are you sure you want to stick to that statement?"

Simon nods and Topanga continues, "Alright then I have some evidence here that suggests otherwise. Zay if you would please."

Zay gets up and connects his phone to the TV placed in the room.

He starts playing the recording of Simon's confession. 

Topanga watches Simon's expressions change on realising what the video was about with a smirk on her face

Simon's eyes widen once he realises that the recording was of the day Lucas had confronted him about his visit to Riley's room.

He sees the disgusted look on the Dean's face when she hears him confess to everything he did to Riley and his threat to Lucas.

The Dean turns to Simon and says, "I am absolutely disgusted to know that I hired such a sick and perverted man. I can't believe you had the audacity to harass a student then lie about it. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take strict action for this."

Simon tries to argue, "But Dean I'm a teacher-"

The Dean cuts him off and sternly says, "A teacher is someone a student can trust. The moment a teacher tries to pressurise a student for any reason other than academic, that trust is destroyed. I refuse to have such teachers working at this university. Simon Johnson you are hereby fired from this university for sexually harassing a female student. I will be talking to some people and you can kiss your teaching license goodbye as well. This hearing is adjourned."

Topanga smiles with the gang cheering while Riley pulls Lucas in for a bearhug.

The Dean makes her way to Riley and says, "Riley Matthews, I apologise for this entire ordeal. I'm impressed with the amount of strength you've shown here especially considering you didn't have any outburst."

Riley replies, "Thank you so much Dean"

The Dean then turns to Lucas and continues, "Lucas Friar, you have also shown a great deal of strength by not resorting to violence. I went through your records before the hearing so I'm aware of your history. I have to admit I was worried I might hear about you also being involved somehow which might have created some complications."

Lucas replies, "I knew that if I took matters into my own hands there might be some complications. I wanted to ensure that Simon received the appropriate punishment for his actions so I knew that I had to control myself."

The Dean says, "And I really applaud you for that especially after hearing everything he said to you. I hope you kids have a much better college experience from here on. Please let me know if I can help you two in any way now or in the future."

Riley and Lucas thank the Dean for all the help with the hearing.

Topanga has a chat with the Dean about suspending Simon's teaching license.


Riley and Lucas hold each other while looking at their friends and smiling.

Lucas turns to Riley and says, "You won, Riley. You did it."

Riley shakes her head and replies, "No. We did it."


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